DH In PvP ...oh my!

I’m getting absolutely owned by DH in arenas. Is this working as intended or will they be tuned down some in the near future?

I honestly feel like there is NOTHING I can do vs them. Very hopeless. It really ruined arenas for me now.

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this is a lawless land
we haven’t seen relevant changes in a year

destro/fire/frost/assass/dh all still disgustingly dominant

enhance/mm/aff/demo/outlaw all still entirely useless

dh is designed to passively outplay you
33% uptime on an immunity frame
unending mobility
unending damage
unending healing
short cd potent defensives
purge rangedkick 2 stuns and a cyclone
mana burn and magic dispel

dh was literally designed from the core to be a success kit for bad players


everyone is.


yup, there is no counterplay against DHs in 2v2. You should just /afk every game so are done with it faster.

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DH is ridiculously op. They currently counter everything. Mobility, burst, sustained dps, defensives.

All done by pressing literally 3 buttons.


I think DH actually benefits from missing kicks on healers as it just helps them go oom faster.


On my DH I substitute my kick for throw glaive for extra DPS boost instead.

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you are the best player in the world and you are skill capped.

the only reason a demon hunter ever beat you was because the game is unfair. if the game was fair you would beat every single demon hunter you ever saaw

dont feel bad, a monk has never beat a demon hunter. because the game is unfair and stoopid

demon hunter is 2 buttons, playing a monk is ten times harder than flying an air-plane .

its not ur fault buddy its the game.

Inc all the Dh lover fan boys who think the class is perfectly balanced


Mithrandir<Not Quite Immortal>

148 posts

57 Gnome Mage0WoW Classic

Shouldn’t you be hazing streamers?

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Dude, you made my day lol
When you fight a DH with a good Resto, as a Ret, it’s almost insta loss

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im pushing decent rating right now, almost 1400cr as of today, and I have no problem with DH on my arms warrior. You just gotta kite their burst.

‘Kite’ a DH … Good luck with that.


DHs have 3 attack buttons (fel blade, chaos strike, blade dance), yet like 15 sources of passive damage, much of it from pve stuff like azerite traits.


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Not quite sure what that proves but ok

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He just likes to feel useful and point out obvious things… just point and laugh and he’ll go away…


it’s not impossible but highly improbable.