DF alpha testing

does anyone know if we have people trying the DK tree in the alpha would like to know if the tree is as bad as it looks or if changes have been made

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i just wanna say i think the changes the devs have done so far are great!
and i dont know how others feel but i think most abilities are in a pretty decent spot on the tree, though i agree with the general sentiment that clawing shadows should be more accessible in the tree for unholy specifically as well as maybe a few other abilities,
and i am excited to see what you guys implement in regards to the changes stated in this post about our capstone talents

My only real complaint or main point of feedback is that unholy didnt really get anything insanely unique or special as a new talent or an old talent even
im excited regardless to experiment with builds and they are fun talents, but i want to see something replace those pointless stat points, such as avoidance. Give us back things like sludge belcher, it doesnt have to be like gamebreaking but something like sludge belcher can create interesting niches and synergize even with a petbuild or just a preferred playstyle, and to me is much more interesting and cool than just more avoidance or something