I’m not saying that I’m saying it’s unknown what they will and will not support.
“None of this is to say that development on covenants and their powers is finished, or that we are not open to further changes. Far from it. We understand that when we offer a choice between competing packages of strengths and weaknesses, if we’re not careful, especially given social and community pressures, weaknesses can easily overshadow strengths. The satisfaction of having an edge in one type of content doesn’t make up for the frustration of being excluded entirely from participating in another. But while tearing down the entire system may seem to some like the simplest way to avoid that pitfall, we’re committed to working with the community to ensure that players feel viable regardless of their covenant choice.”
I like this quote, and I love how they say they will continue to work on covenants, the Paladin ones are all pretty freaking awful and have been since they were announced. Imagine taking the empowered consecration one and having it be 100% worthless in PVP, most solo content because of high CD, and very mediocre in raids and dungeons because it sucks.
the only people who are going to be “understanding” are the types that dont go past single digit mythic keys. with or without the ability to switch at will you WILL be refused for your choice: oh sorry you are a necrolord ret? your dps isnt good enough. at least with the ability to switch you can fix that. theres no really good excuse against full switching outside of haha minmaxers
And the wheels on the bus go round and round.
I just read the post on Wowhead and gotta say I am HYPED! I was worried they would trash the system but they are sticking with it. I’m really excited to pick my covenants.
If people unsub because of this decision… well I say buh bye! Your absence will be an improvement for the player base.
The population at large doesn’t have to agree… game design isn’t a democracy.
It is, though. You vote with money.
Hesitant BUT they’ve been making LOADS of changes this testing period, each week so I am open to give 'em a chance.
oh please, single digit keys are more toxic than anything double digit. Most people who play the game play multiple aspects of the game, so a large enough number of players wont be the “right” covenant when they’re playing different types of content.
and those players are going to get refused for anything that theyre not right for
That’s your choice but very unlikely to change design choices.
I just want to play bastion with my paladin and not be crap
then the leaders are gonna be spending several hours making groups, if you’re fine with that then fine, but I doubt most people are unless they’re pushing actual hard content.
And thus like the way of the Giant Panda; the game will naturally die off
id rather spend time to make a group then take a s***ty dps for my key to fail
Bastion for Paladin is the only right answer!
Nah man, I’m most likely going Night Fae
Yes, it does.
Joining a Covenant is about being a part of a new, specific society with a unique position, duties, values, ect in the greater Shadowlands cosmology and the whole concept is built upon it being a singular choice, just like race and class, that will inform your character’s identity the entire time they are in the Shadowlands.
Unhook even one part of that, abilities or cosmetics or whatever, negates that singular choice and therefore the whole concept of Covenants.
But this has been explained over and over and over again so if you are still unable to comprehend this, you are never going to.
A nightfae Paladin!? I admire the commitment!
Can’t see my Pally be Maldraxxus or Revendreth, lol.
That is your prerogative, as I said, I doubt most people are willing to wait that long.