Devos Bugged

It is a bug, but /reload works.

it sure as hell didnt when i did, i was put in a load screen for longer than usual and came back to still not being able to throw it. was a few seconds til the aoe killed us.

forum trolls are so boring…

the mechanic is not only bugged, its pointlessly contrived. seems blizzard lead design sent a memo to add at least one obtuse boss to every dungeon.

well this one is just plain bad… i’ve that spear miss many times no matter how i time it, and this seems to affect disproportionately people that play with high latencies.


I love how in the first half of your post you started off strong and then in the last half it’s obvious you kind of just gave up. Sorta like Blizzard with this dungeon.

How am I a troll? There are two “bugs” that people complain about. One is an actual bug where your action bars cycle and you litterally cant throw the spear. Which is where you need to /reload.

The other “bug” is where people miss because they throw it at the boss before waiting for her to move and stop. You pointing out that it is disproportionately happening to high latency shows that you don’t know how networking works. With high latency, Devos is already on the move server side, but isnt moving for the client yet. Which can still be resolved by waiting for her to move and stop moving before throwing. In the video someone posted, you can see that she moved client side very shortly after the spear missed. Which was most likely a latency issue. Point being, either wait for her to move and stop or dont pick up the spear if you have high latency.

Bunch of videos linked there. Here’s the most obvious one:

Watch the videos of this actually happening before ignorantly shooting your mouth off.

If you have high latency it doesn’t matter if you wait or not. Devos is not where she appears to be. All the videos of this bug involve Oceanic/US/LA cross server groups.

And you are trolling if you’re telling people that there’s no bug just because you haven’t experienced it yourself. The bug is well documented.

Worth noting, this isn’t just an issue for the spear to phase her. Her hitbox is also incredibly unreliable for the spears for the achievement. Around 50% of the time, we’d nail her right in the chest with the spears, and it would even sometimes register the damage, but not apply the “tracker” debuff stack to her for it. Eventually, we just got fed up with wiping to try again and killed her, and despite her only having 3 stacks of the tracker debuff, it counted because we had actually nailed all 5 spears.

So ya, definitely something highly fishy about her hitbox and those spears. This mechanic needs either some serious TLC to make it more reliable, or a straight rework to make it less janky.

This has happened to me and my guildies a lot of times. Just an hour ago we arrived at the last boss with more than eight minutes to spare in a plus 8 mythic key, and the bug happened TWICE. Blizzard please do something, this is incredibly frustrating.

Whos the ingorant one. Like I said originally it is a server/client desync. The boss “moved” server side, but has not yet moved client side. The fact that it is only happening for high ping players is a big indicator. It could be someone form OCE joining a NA server group or vice versa.

If you ever played a FPS like counter strike you know about latency and how that changes where the hit box is for you vs the server.

With high ping you need to either wait for her to move AND stop before throwing the spear. Or not pick up the spear.

The video I linked literally shows the spear operator doing exactly that and the spear still fails.

Go watch the video and cease with the drivel.

Or not pick up the spear.

Not being able to perform dungeon mechanics because of cross realm grouping is not an option. You’re just trolling at this point.

You seem to not understand how desyncs work. To the client, which is the player, the boss is standing still. On the server side the boss is already on the move. The video I saw someone post showed that the spear was thrown and the boss moved shortly after. Meaning the boss was already moving a couple seconds beforehand on the SERVER end even though it looked like the boss was standing still on the CLIENT end. People with high ping or cross realm can do this as many people have done successfully by waiting patiently for the boss to move and stop before throwing. I run with pugs exclusively and frequently with OCE servers and have never had this “bug” in all of my runs which is more then a few. If it was a real bug it would present it self to more people rather than happening only to the same people doing the same mistake multiple times.

just flagging you at this point, can’t be bothered

The video of this bug occurring has been posted multiple times in this thread and you’re refusing to watch it and still telling people to git gud.

I did watch it and I am not just saying to get good. I gave specific instructions to wait for her to move and stop before throwing. You keep referencing the video, but again all that shows is the CLIENT side. You really cant comprehend desync. The perosn recording sees the boss staying still, but on the servers end the boss is not there.

Which is exactly what they did in the video.

You really cant comprehend desync.

I comprehend it just fine. What you are proposing doesn’t work, the video clearly shows that, just jog on.

Video here again for anyone who isn’t a troll and wants to see the bug in action

A bug would happen to all players more evenly, not just high latency players. The fact that this is happening overwhelmingly to the same people and multiple times at that, shows otherwise. This is a desync issue. You can feel free to jog off. Multiple people have shared in this thread and others that waiting works.

No, it’s just you that has shared that factually incorrect tip. The video posted immediately above proves you wrong.

Dude, I was with you at the beginning of the thread. I haven’t seen it bug, I’ve done it a bunch of times and I’ve played with a some players who would cry bug at the first opportunity.

But the evidence is clear, you were wrong and you’re trying to reframe a false statement to make it look like you weren’t wrong.

If the evidence provided doesn’t convince you that something isn’t right, you’re just being a dick.


Think what you want. It is telling that the same video is being shared to signify the bug, which was posted over a month ago. I did a breif search on youtube and found 1 other video, also from a month ago. Wouldnt you think if it was a big prevalent bug, there would be more evidence? The same evidence being presented multiiple times does not make it a stronger case. If the bug was happening all the time across the board, there would be more recent examples. It may have been a bug a month ago, but with the lack of current evidence it is no longer. Currently, with high ping or otherwise, waiting to throw is the solution.