Devlin Agamand not acting like vanilla... (i don't think anyway)

Out dated. Look at the time frame for that. The change to 8.x happened closer to the aphla/beta release.

Stay on topic. You went from talking about 1-6 lvling to AV. Using completley different data to try and win an argument.

You got an answer. You don’t care about the answer. You just care about not being wrong in your mind. Just stop.

One thing I do remember about Vanilla was that at some point they made the decision to nerf a good portion of the open world stuff so you didn’t need groups for a lot of things. You still needed them for a variety of elite quests, but they did make a lot of open stuff easier.

I am far more willing to trust Blizzard, who has an actual reference client from the official servers, over some private server which has been proven to over tune things. Another thing to consider is that many of us are far better at WoW nowadays than we were back then. The majority of us were kids/teens when we first started playing, and many had no idea what they were doing. So what may have been considered hard to us back then actually never was in the first place.

Someone in this thread mentioned the fact that I probably wasn’t leveling in 1.12 and to be honest that’s a good point. By the time 1.12 came around I was 60 and mostly just doing AV. Maybe this is how he acted at the time.

Take a deep, slow breath, let it flow, smell the fresh air… now, in zen mode, look at what I said and realize I never questioned or corrected what was happening.

I am pointing out that there are incorrect assumptions as to the cause.

Honestly don’t care. The build published can be datamined, and has been. They are using the 8.x client.

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Killed him many times during 1.x. As many different classes.

He did respawn fairly quickly, and he wasn’t that hard to kill. But not at level six.

Your story is suspicious and I think you’re lying to make yourself seem important.
You’re not level six.

 I have no idea what you are talking about but at least you know the difference between "your" and "you're".       A-
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That’s why Blizzard has a QA team working on Classic.

But, if people are to make assumptions as to why things are incorrect, at least be aware of the correct information.

Blaming all this on a Legion client when calculations are not client side and the client is not even Legion.

That will land you way off target.

Yes, but what I’m asking is at some point (could have been wotlk or cata for all I remember) they implemented a speed up for lower levels. Such that you would regenerate quickly when OOC. That’s what I was asking about.

The true test will be the Barrow Den in Teldrassil. If someone can successfully complete all quests in there (at-level) alone and survive, I’m calling shenanigans.

I know the level 8-9 Murlocs, Prowlers, and Bears by Eastvale Logging Camp are still pretty rough for most melee classes to deal with.

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And the scarlet missionary / zealot are tough if I pull 2. I don’t think everything seems undertuned or anything. Just 'ol Devlin Agamand.

Bug was opened…classic is using legion weapon multipliers.
Classic players are more OP, doing more damage than they would have in vanilla using vanilla multipliers.


Yep. Time and time again we’ve seen references to Legion being used as the client for Vanilla and zero proof that BfA is used as the client. Makes you go hmm when someone tries to claim otherwise.