Devastation changes in 10.1 [UPDATED 4/18]

It looks like I’ll be going back to the blue build, what with causality now also reducing the cooldown on deep breath. Gonna have to readjust my whole build.

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it has gotten more frustrating than boring. the bugs have made it insufferable and feel terrible.

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I also personally do not like the feed the flames change using pyre They should have made the cd reduction still just work off of red spells as it is now because the added reduction for eternity surge was a step in the right direction but forcing only pyre to reduce the cd was not.


I see what you’re saying. More haste and shorter disintegrates means we need to just cast more of them to get the empowered spells reduction.

It does sound counterintuitive that getting better gear and more haste will actually make our rotation more difficult to maintain.

Your solution sounds elegant, reduction based on the number of ticks. It would have to be capped though because again, more haste, more ticks would lead to crazy amounts of cooldown reduction.

You’re limited by resources. Disintegrate doesn’t gain additional ticks from haste.


The causality change now reduces both ES and FB. I think this makes the change to FTF work. We now can have CDR to both abilities congruently through dis channels and if we are in aoe we can abuse pyre with FTF for the same basically effect and it’s going to end up being more consistent reduction I think.

I also wonder if the 3 pyres from activating DR are going to each give CDR. Overall I am curious to try the changes. They aren’t what I wanted but I don’t hate the idea, but I may hate them in practice. Time will tell.

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Correct, but shorter Disintegrates as gear scales translates to more disintegrates during dragonrage. It only takes a global to generate an essence burst.

None of us wants a solution that might need to get nerfed in season 3.

I don’t see that being an issue with the nerf to Animosity.

I suppose we’ll have to wait and see how it all plays out then.

Considering Feed the Flames only works for Pyre and to get CDR on Fire Breath/Eternity Surge requires sitting in full disintegrate channels… Probably means the fire breath capstone would be both specifically geared towards AoE with Everburning Flame + Firestorm w/ Raging Inferno unless you just go all-in for disintegrate cleave and only popping Pyre at higher charged blast stacks to get the most out of FB/ES resets.

Imminent Destruction looks interesting as a way to make Deep Breath as something more important to the rotation but mostly looks like a PvP-oriented talent for DB>FB+ES bursts and since the left side will become far less impactful for PvP (reduced Engulfing Blaze damage makes Burnout procs less powerful, FtF losing reset value) which means likely a bit more PvP nerfs will roll around once someone gets slapped with R4 Instant FB and an Eternity Surge with the 20% buff from ID and the other 20% buff from Shattering Star during Dragonrage.

These changes are possibly going to elevate Iridescence for single target/cleave. I don’t have a problem with iridescence but i hope they increase the buff duration to like…20 seconds.


I like the dragonrage and the cd changes for the empowered. Engulfing blaze changes will be nice too. The rest, meh. Really sucks we have to wait until 10.1 for this… pally took a lot of resources for 10.0.7 I guess not that I blame them.


So what he said :point_down:


Preheat has more optimism about blizzard making the necessary fixes than i do.

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Nerf to single target where we are middle of the pack at best and an overall buff to Aoe where we are already strong. Confusing.

Should focusing on the game breaking bugs with empowered spells & essence spenders. Taking talents that are already used and reworking them instead of taking a look at talents that are dead is weird.

Changing the way DR is extended is a good change, clipping disintegrate was bad gameplay, but why make this change in a way that nerfs our single target damage as well?


The Aoe changes are welcomed. The rest is crazy to me, You’re changing the playstyle of the whole spec. I’d say some who play the spec now enjoy the clipping aspect, its the niche gameplay of the mechanic. Sometimes players find an unintended way to play your classes/specs, do not punish them for that. At least supplement the rotation with something meaningful if you are going to take away clipping and that would work. Why not address the un-used talents in the tree and the bugs that plague the spec??

Personally, I’m glad clipping is gone. I think most people are only attached to it because it’s effective and a “skill differentiator.” I’m all for skill expression, but it shouldn’t be based entirely on not finishing casts.

We seriously need additional talent changes, including tree order, and some single-target compensation would be fantastic.

I’m also a little tired of all the mandatory talents (like Scintillation) being at the very end of the tree, which makes it feel like we have very few actual choices.


Agreed with this. I think there are numerous talents that should just be baseline and replaced with something more interesting tbh:

Class Tree
Scarlet Adaptation, aerial mastery, draconic legacy, source of magic, rescue, renewing blaze

Dev Tree
Burnout, power nexus, honed aggression, firestorm, and ruby and azure essence burst (this is just a core part of our spec that it should just be baseline)

I’d also live to see some talents combined into a single talent:
Essence attunement + titanic wrath
Oppressing roar + overawe

I don’t play pres so this may be a bad take and may not make sense, but from a pure dev standpoint, I also think that protracted talons should be moved to the dev tree to replace azure essence burst and the damage component of enkindled should be split and moved to the dev tree to replace ruby essence burst. For pres, enkindled could stay as it is currently with both the damage and healing.

EDIT: I’d also like to see shattering star become baseline, and eternity’s span baked into ES and SS respectively.

I think power swell should move to where power nexus is, dense energy should also include dis, iridescence should be move higher in the tree and a new capstone for ST should take it’s place. With the new change to imminent destruction, I also would like to see onyx legacy baked into ID as well.

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Curious how the PvE folks would feel about a change to Scintillation in general to be less RNG? I feel like our damage is very feast or famine in PvP simply based on procs, where we can half someone with machine-gun surges from a single cast or tickle them simply depending on luck.

Cutting casts short as the optimal play being gone is fine. Causality implementation on PTR is even more problematic though. It makes haste almost worthless. It makes you consider doing stuff like dropping the 20% faster disintegrate channelling talent. It removes ALL skill expression from single target.

So yes we need some sort of single target changes and not just in the form of compensatory buffs. Something that spices up your dragonrage rotation. Something that replaces Kharnalex. Some sort of rework to Iridescence or Everburning Flames to make them playable on single target. And speaking of Kharnalex, expect Evokers to use the staff active on pull and then weapon swap to a higher ilvl weapon for the rest of the expansion if they don’t do something there.

I’m not against smoothing it out a bit, but it’s not a problem in pve as-is. It averages out on a short enough time scale that I wouldn’t even consider it rng in pve except for super niche scenarios where you might have regular but very brief windows of 2 target cleave.