Dev Evoker LF AOTC/M+ Guild

Heyo! Zar here looking for some DPS to help fill out our team for 10.1!! Currently we raid Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30pm EST to 11:30pm EST. At the moment we would love a Mage or Demon Hunter, but are open to anyone and everyone.

Bløød Møney is a Heroic focused guild that was formed in SL to mainly run Mythic+, but times have changed and are now geared to Raiding! We will run Mythics but its more of a “whenever” people are on type of thing instead of a scheduled event. We do love to hangout in Discord and are actually going to starting community events on Thursdays! Want to Hang? Want to Mythic+? Want to Raid? Well reach out via Bnet or Discord! I look forward to seeing you in Aberrus and beyond!

Bnet - Malaria55#1422
Discord - Malaria 3787

Hey there! Are you still looking for a guild? If so, may I interest you in a guild named Starworld West? We are an alliance guild located on Blood Furnace. We are a group of dad/mid-core players who like to push content at a reasonable pace. We have several members over 2.4k io and several other with KSM in S1.

Our raid night is currently Sundays @8pm server (CST). We finished 6/8H VOTI, just need to bolster our roster a bit to get AotC in 10.1. If this sounds like a good fit for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I can answer any questions you may have!

Btag: Cthulhoo#11286
Discord: SgtCthulhoo#6180

Hi there, Raey! We are located on Zul’jin. We are welcoming to people from all walks of life and LGBTQ+ friendly. We raid Sun/Wed 8-11pm EST. Our guild leader/raid leader has been leading guilds and raids since Vanilla. While we do focus on progression and obtaining AOTC, we don’t treat it like a job. We have a dedicated M+ Officer who was >3k this last season. He, and all of us, are willing to run keys of all levels. Outside of game, we love to hang out in Discord and even have Discord parties. We are all adults, chill, and have mature senses of humor. We support each other in game and out of game. Hope to hear from you! Contact us on DC: Kristen#2103 or BaristaOverlord#8203

Welcome, Here you can find information about our guild, roster, players, events, logs on [Guilds of WoW Web] and much more…

Horde US Area52

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Wednesday 8:30 p.m to 11:30 p.m. EST ( PST 5:30-8:30pm, CST 7:30-10:30pm)

Current Progression: 8/8 N 8/8H Voti, Aberrus 8/9 NM 1/9 H

Recruitment Contacts: Mooney#12761 Btag, Mooney#4629 Disc

Requirements: Only raid-ready players with logs that meet the minimum ilvl requirement of 400

About Us:
Some of us are close buddies who have come here to enjoy the game and kill monsters for fun. We’re here to enjoy the new and old content & to down bosses. We are a small guild searching for raiders that can help us build a strong raid squad, obtain AOTC before the season is up, and begin making preparations for what comes ahead. We want to advance, but we need the bodies to do so! When we couldn’t find a guild that could accommodate our schedules, we gathered a group of friends to start our own squad in 2022, late in the Dragonflight season 1.

We do, however, have some expectations:
Must always strive to improve and move forward, were looking for people to flow with the content rather than fall behind. Be on time, respectful, and willing to learn.
We enjoy making jokes in between pulls and being amusing during boss fights, but when we prog, we frequently take things seriously.

Raid Attendance- We are aware that family and everyday events occur. In the end, we all play to participate in this game, therefore we ask that you do your best to attend raids out of respect for the other players. To let us know when you will be gone.

Our raid team’s current top priorities
Flex tank - Someone who will predominantly dps but is willing to switch to the tank position when necessary.

Mage: Any
Druid: Balance/Feral/Resto
Shaman: Enhancement/RESTO/ (ele is ok but prefer enhance)
Priest: Any (prefer Shadow)
Monk: Mistweaver/Windwalker
DK: Frost/Unholy
DH: Havok
Warlock Any

Be optimistic- Be diligent and open to learning at all times. Everyone makes errors. Learning from that is the best thing you can do. While making progress, we also want to enjoy ourselves.

If you choose to join us, please keep in mind that this is an 18+ guild. We take ourselves seriously, but we do joke around a lot so be mindful of that.

Hey Raey !!!


  • A new rebuild guild called Causally Epic on Illidan
  • Open for DPS and Healers for raiding and M+
  • Raids M/W 7:30-9:30 PM CDT; M+ 2-20s KSM & AOTC every season before we moved over to Illidan more active in the evenings.

If you want the full details, check out [H]<Casually Epic> Mon/ Wes 7:30- 9:30 CST

:phone: Discord HeatherB#2337