9/10 M tank warrior 2.5 k io if interested
LF exceptional players
LF Healer!
Any Healers looking to relocate?
Looking for healers to join our team!
LF a Healer for Farm/9.2 - Shaman/Druid/Monk Pref
Apply now!
5/10M Hpal. Stopped raiding in September when guild disbanded and am looking to get back into it in prep for 9.2.
Btag: Willyum#1936
disc: dorber#8987
Would love to see some apps from exceptional players looking to still achieve CE at a high level but no longer have the time to raid 4-5 days! We could potentially be a great fit for you!
Come blast with us! CE on a 6 hour schedule! Farming Sylv for mounts/gold later on! Exceptional DPS that needs to raid less at a unique time should absolutely apply!
Any boomkins???
LF BOOMY for Reclears / 9.2
Boomkin friends and any other exceptional players!?
Up top for the boomkins, rogues and warrior friends! Come farm Sylv and get a team going into 9.2!
Looking for a pumper Warrior and Boomkin! If your guild is having roster/attendance issues or you wanna cut back on raid time per week and still achieve CE, reach out!
Any exceptional players??
To the top! Let’s see some blaster healer apps!
Any CE level healers looking for a new guild for 9.2 going forward?
Hey there. I’m a 251 ilvl 2515 r.io 5/10m warrior dps (arms or fury w/e is currently best) interested in your guild. My b.net app isn’t working atm on my phone, feel free to hit me up on discord though. chief4fun#7700
Edit: got the app to work lol. Sent Holby a friend request. My btag is chief4fun#1598
Edit: I have prior c/e exp, logs, r.io link, armory link ready for if/when we chat.
Edit: also have a 6/10m 2500~ io R Shaman buddy who is interested.
Any healers looking?