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Nerzhul 1 shot tonight, 5/10M!
Nerzhul 1 tapped
Any boomkins?
LF Boomkin(s), Warlock(s) and exceptional ranged!!
gimme a boomkin!
Hello, do you have a hole for an ele shaman wanting to trial? Currently only 3/10M. Wanting to push for CE even though ele shaman isn’t very meta this tier. (Shamtactics#1542 BT) (Shamtactics#5669 Disc)
Maintenance bump!!
If you think you would be a good fit and have good logs to support it, I would encourage you to apply
Looking for exceptional dps! Boomkin/Warlock high preference! Making the push on Painsmith!
When I read your raid times I almost cried. I have so far barely raided this expac because I recently finished school and got married and guilds that raid early evenings are an endangered species. I’m super interested in your guild cause your raid times are the titts. Also, you guys seem casual but focused and are clearly very organized.
I’d pref to join on my monk but would be willing/able to join on any of the below listed alts. I’ve been playing since Vanilla and typically go 5/10 or 6/12M every tier and pretty much always get AoTC and KSM.
I need to get back to work as I’m writing this on my break but once I get home from work I’ll start harrasing you!
If Dethrone and I are a good fit, I’ll server txr / faction change tonight
Let me know if you want my Try Hard Mythic Logs from BFA and Legion as well!
h ttps:// (Remove Space)
Demo (Not as Experienced)
h ttps:// (Remove Space)
Shaman (Partially Mained in CN)
h ttps:// (Remove Space)
Priest Shadow / Disc (New Alt)
h ttps:// (Remove Space)
I applied through the google doc. If an ele shaman isn’t what you’re looking for though I understand. My logs are mostly purple and a few orange parses. If you need me to link somewhere other than the application please let me know. Shamtactics#1542 Battle tag
Shamtactics#5669 discord
Love to see some fresh apps of players wanting to push for CE/Mounts!
Painsmith to 37% in 69 pulls!
Looking for more!!
Any DKs, Warlocks or Boomkins looking for a great home??
Love to see a Warlock/Boomkin/DK app!
Painsmith down!
6/10M Guardian up next!