Dethecus Alliance Reconnections

Hello all,

I am Snugglebear/Cuddlebear of the guild Prophecy. Though i was in a few other guilds when we disbanded before BC, i spent most of my raiding experience there. I was in MERCILESS for a bit to just running around causing mayhem. Any one know what happened to Sharley or Outbackjack? Also has anyone seen our hero Vir?

Daisy from dethecus. Guild used to be Plains of Valhalla or something like that.

I miss you guys

Pindar here, from the mighty, fearsome guild Twilight Folk. (This was back in the days when Twilight the vampire nonsense wasn’t yet around.)

I fondly remember crawling through the Dethecus forums. Staggering levels of drama and antagonism. Delightful.

Also…do you suppose Angwe will be back? I hope so. But what server are we going to join?


Can’t figure out how to edit my post, I mistakenly recalled a guild name incorrectly. It was Mythical Spartans, not Mythic. I’m going to be rolling on Myzreal when we can, For anyone joining me. >.< and posting under the wrong toon. How much more can I fail today? This is Amatheiya.

Verdewhis, NE druid (balance/ resto). Nightfury Alliance, Wraiths of Azeroth, Delegated Authority

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Was main tank of Not Recruiting for a while.

Yo what up its Alkrion

Dragon Force Ninja Squad is playing on Herod Alliance.

Also, Wundsy or wtf ever, never post about Classic WoW again.

Raeilyn - NE Hunter // Silentcri – NE Druid
Guilds: Legend, UnderrateD, Stimulus, Prophecy, Epilogue

I don’t know why, but both of your names look familiar. I was that trash mage Ashraf/in BC garbage resto shaman Asprin

Final Judgement Duck Duck Goose!


Jeus, 60 Mage
Final Judgement, Preloaded, others I can’t remember

Saffron…NE Hunter. Immortal and Violent New Breed

Saff! Dunno if you remember me. Back in Vanilla I played a Dwarf rogue named “Zealos” you invited me to Violent New Breed. That was my first guild ever. You and Cybil took me into my first ever Dire Maul run. Called it a suicide run cause it was just the three of us and we died a whole lot. I was utterly useless, but that is one of my fondest wow memories to date! lol

Hi Asprin, I could be mixing the memories of two guilds, but I believe you and Carexis were both part of Darkstars and Delegated Authority with me.

I am still me and still on Dethecus

Guilds I can remember:

Rise of Honor
Delegated Authority
Saiyin Stole My Bike
Saga…lots and lots of Saga

I guarantee I missed a few guilds in between…

I made Heatsink and his Sulfuras Hand of Rag quit the game.
Server first Hammer of Ji’zhi…I know, impressive right?
I am the current GM of Shinvegas Landscaping Crew
I spent a week in M E R C I L E S S once…I still feel the shame.

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Hi, i do remember you. I do believe i was in Epilogue after Prophecy. Couldn’t remember the guild name. Thanks!

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meant to reply under this name!

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Where is WUBSY!!!

Shizo 60 Gnome Rogue from Saga
Checking in for Round 2…

Still smile when I think of all the battles with CT (and cry when I think of Saitoh.) lol

Love to hear from any of the OG Saga bros…
Ecuadri/Munky/Drexl etc.