Dethecus Alliance Reconnections

I cant believe I’m just seeing this thread. Fremick-decay/provenance. A few of us are playing on fairbanks alliance. a little late but oh well.

Dude, I remember shining force and the posse! good times!

OMG HI Herrmanis!! What an awesome thing to hear your name again. How the heck are ya?!?!

OMFG, Hi Rold! ^.^

Kroveron!!! You still playing at all? I’m prepping for classic BC

Unicrom! Some of us old eclipsed guys still playing together after all these years… Theneglected, Vikesboy, Damien, Kasive, Brindar… all kept in touch and playing. You playing at all?

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Twokings#1479 if anyone wants to reconnect for classic TBC

Lord Of Kings

now those are some names i havent heard in a while. this is moreno the warrior, also played with yall as malorie a frost mage.

Unfathomably based.

Boycott DS salt. March down to the sea and get some yourself!

this is a long shot because its been so long. This is Enots and Hectors friend i was Snor back in the day. Josh and i have been playing again and i randomly saw your post. add me on disc if you get this. Anthonynewy #5462

Whattup Carexis,

Arthroren if you remember me. Jumping back in for WOTLK

I played an alliance mage name Darklor back in the day (actually, he still on Dethecus to this day!)…I don’t remember everyone I ran with, but some names that stick out:
Vir (Paladin)…pretty notorious, I’m sure people remember him for sure
Biglight (warrior)
Fruitloops (mage); ran with another mage with a cereal name, but can’t recall
Mytth (priest)

Damn…was so long ago, I have forgotten so many people’s names; can’t even remember the guild names. Had some good times. Time flies.

Thalus - Night Elf Rogue (vanilla and TBC)
Hommura - Draenei Warrior (TBC)
Kaote - Human Warlock (TBC)



Guild leader was a human warrior named O’bannon. Mainly played with a human mage named Vareesa and a human Paladin named Auryn. I forget his name now, but while leveling I had this silly random ‘rivalry’ with a Night Elf Hunter. We would duel in front of Zul Farak while waiting for our group to form. Later after institutionalized became asylum and we began raiding Karazhan, there was a Dwarf priest named Geeslim. Him, myself (on a human affliction Warlock alt named Kaote) and a human priest friend (Shadowchyld I think?) ran 3’s arena until we hit duelist.

In vanilla there was this really tough Tauren Warrior with a pocket Forsaken Priest I would see all the time in BGs. The Tauren’s name was Bulldozer, but I forget the Priest’s name. They were part of a small group of players (alliance and horde) who would meet up on the coast outside of Menethil Harbor, hop into ventrilo, then “duel”.

I think there was a guild leader named skitzo (or Skizzo?) (not sure of spelling). I think they were the original leader of institutionalized, but then drama happened and the guild disbanded, then asylum popped up from the ashes. I may be getting SO many details wrong as I was not in on the gossip/drama, and it’s been like, 20 years.

Oh, and Vareesa eventually became Exidos, the Draenei Enhancement Shaman.

Anyway, I’m currently on/off/on retail, Auryn mostly plays some version of classic, and Vareesa/Exidos hasn’t played since… WotLK or Cataclysm, I think?