Destruction warlock

I’m lost on the build that wowhead and icyveins recommend. How is cataclysm and channel demonfire not for aoe. I’ve used them for aoe in dungeons and pull way ahead then the other builds. Forgive my ignorance as this is my first time ever playing a lock so idk what spec or build to play with.

Wowhead is a kekw, pretty much most guides are a kekw since they are based on beta values…

Might want to edit your title to read “Destruction Warlock AOE” or something like that, to be more specific.

To answer your question: Both of those talents are fine for AOE, but there are circumstances where Inferno/Soul Conduit will pull ahead - generally when you have big packs that will take a while to die. They’re also used specifically in conjunction with the “Wilfred’s Superior Summoning” legendary power to generate and spend soul shards as fast as possible in order to shorten the cooldown on infernal as much as possible.

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Wowhead isn’t very good but Icyveins is even worse. Not only is the data outdated, but a lot of the information is just straight up wrong.

For example, in the talents section of the Destro lock guide, it still reads
“Roaring Blaze causes Conflagrate to passively burn the target for additional damage over 6 seconds.” and it has for months.

its actually kinda funny that typo got thru, shows how few people actually play destro. but its described accurately in all other scenarios and was updated just before the new year, nothing special for destro has come around since then so id say its pretty accurate.

as said above, Inferno+Soul COnduit is the long last massive AOE build. Cata+CDF is great for a bit of snap damage but if im going into 10 packs youre gonna want Inferno+SC paired with wilfreds - TLDR its not inaccurate but it could be clearer for beginning readers

As a person who is also new to Warlock were would you recommend looking up a guide if they are all not so good?

This has almost all of the lock guides you could ever need.

I used icyveins, but there are many others that are just as good.

lockonestopshop has not been updated in a long time.


If your group is pulling one pack at a time, cataclysm & CD with roaring blaze will be better & available on every pack. Since rain & infernal are not target capped, on a big pack with inferno, rain of chaos & soul Conduit you will be untouchable on the meters. But then nothing to do for 90 seconds.

Iceyveins, Kalamazi’s Youtube, and to an extent WoWhead are fine for guides. LOSS is probably not as great as it once was

Try the addon CONRO Warlock if you are new to a Warlock. It gives a starting framework.

Cataclysm is a must tbh the instant immolate dot is too good. Channel demon fire is alright, but in single target fights (like bosses) it will under-perform. Soul conduit is just bad rng. Dark-soul is basically a free trinket.

Having a ton of fun rn. Lots of spells and macros to work with. By far the hardest class/spec to play, but the funnest and most rewarding.

CDF is a very solid spell for both single target and aoe. If you use it properly, it retains a pretty high spot on your damaging abilities in raids and m+.

Its major issue though is you have to stand still while casting and on top of that you need to cast the whole channeling duration else it’s a loss.

Personally I like it very much but you might not want it on super mobile flights in raids and during volcanic week in m+.

Hit up Kalamazi on YouTube. His channel covers all three specs and he provides in depth ‘why’ backed by data.