Destromath Alliance Reconnections

forums are just starting

we have discord

“Sanct” on facebook i doubt there are many

You guys should do Fairbanks it’s gonna have a way better community :stuck_out_tongue:

You were a pro flag runner! The best!

You didnt have full dreadmist fast enough…

Recognize a few names on here. Wanted to come say Hi.

Thwackess NE Warrior
Was casual for the first 1/2 of Vanilla then started raiding with Lux Aeterna then to Masquers when they broke up. Hope to see you all out there. Weirdly I won’t have as much time now with 2 little ones :slight_smile:

Last he played was starting of cata and he only got to lvl 83. I talked to him when he was running naxx in WotLK. He was casual then. I would love to have him back in the mix.

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Used to play a mage named Jeregoro - Alliance

Used to be in Myrmidons; rolled with some ppl from Virtuous. Also was a PvP back in the day and almost hit Grand Marshal.

For classic, rolling an Ally, same name, on Stalagg

@Maxmimuspwn, hit me up on discord.

Fendair - Prot paladin - I was in for tier 5 into 6 progression. SSC/BT

I haven’t seen him in years :frowning:

Looks like ya’ll are getting the band back together.I’m in!

It’s Cuzi, I’m going to join you guys.

I started off with the unfortunate choice of a NE Druid - Ttpp, first in Dinosaur Tea Party and later in Masquers. I also had a priest called Jezzie in Blades of Benevolence and switched it up in TBC with my paladin Symbaiant in Ethereal Destiny.

Was in and out of Murderous Intent on various alts.

Currently I’m rolling with a couple Destromath oldies onto Whitemane alliance and I’m hoping to reconnect with more old friends from any of these guilds.


Played this guy and thass, in the guilds FHF, EPU, BoB, ED, and Walrus. Love to hear from friends in GoF, Lux, Masq and Taken too! Gonna be going whitemane alliance if anyone wants to reconnect.

Epuhunter chat people @ me
Also mero wru

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Character name : Sanman, level 60 NE hunter with Thunderfury.
Was in the guilds: Sanct, Actium and Momentum.

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Aleu - Nightelf Feral Durid - Defense of light

Sanman the legend!

Sanct is rolling Horde on Whitemane if you’re interested.

Edit: correction. We ended up on Kurinaxx horde side instead.

Wow that brings back memories (I missed raid that night :cry: )

If you need a Classic guild join us on Whitemane horde side!

Edit: correction we ended up on Kurinaxx instead. Horde side.

Sup GiLz, remember me?

That’s about the last time I saw him too – I’d like to play with him again as well!