Destro lock animations

Since Blizz actually seem to be listening to feedback this time in beta, can someone with access PLEASE request they update and improve some spell animations?

Incinerate is my biggest gripe…it looks so weak like a little fizzled spark and that alone makes it feel bad to press.

The old incinerate looked more like a flamethrower which was better.

I miss the old chaos bolt too.


I like the current chaos bolt the old one had too much of a dragon look to me, I did like the old Shadow bolt more thou.

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Yeah i dont mind the current chaos bolt even though i prefer the old one.

The current Incinerate and Shadow Bolt though look pretty lame.


Do you remember that deep earthquaking/volcano like rumble sound that used to accompany the cast of chaos bolt?

I really miss that.


I’d like to see the option for purple fire, maybe some of us are moving away from few magic and using void magic. also yes incinerate used to look much better. I miss when it spread on its own too.


fel not few

that’s reserved for spriests though.

And aff I always saw fel as destro and aff as void/shadow and demo a mix with demons.

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They are intentionally taking these animations away. If they really thought we could keep them we would be able to glyph them back. They dont want us to have them for some reason.

Rip shadowbolt, chaosbolt, incinerate, soulfire, demonform and ablaze at max shards.

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Personally I don’t like either chaos bolt animations or sound, the current version looks and sounds like a weird alien space ship flying through space before crashing into someone’s head. The old one looked like a weird dragon-esque spell.

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If any destro spells need an update, it’s soulfire, cataclysm, and channel demonfire. The rest have been appropriately updated.

I also want my old burning embers aura back. Let me be smioking and on fire when I’m high on shard numbers.

Shadowburn also seriously needs an update.

Forgot about burning embers, that looked cool.