Destro Hotfix

I feel like after they announced this buff there should of been a small note directed at the pvp players saying simply “kappa”.

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I don’t know if “disgusting” is the word I would use for this situation… I think the word you are looking for is “Perplexed”.

While this won’t affect PvP, the lack of nerfs are astounding.

Moreover though, if such a haste total is achievable by dps that they cast so often too actually go oom in RETAIL then the problem is NOT the mana cost…

Holy moly this is why I only log in for raid and then bounce the rest of the week.

at this point, can we get enhance shaman and bm hunter s1 nerfs reverted

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“We simply do not want to invest any further resources into pvp. There will be no communication, and there are no plans to monitor class performance and adjust accordingly. Ever. If you enjoy the by-product that results in the arena setting, after pve is addressed, that’s great, good for you. If not, go $&@% yourself. Cheers.” -blizz


They are just making fun of pvpers now lol

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I love when I see that. When this game was born from a RTS that it’s main popularity was to pvp.

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