Desired Changes For Shaman - Shadowlands Delay - FIX THE CLASS

Well for pvp warlocks are getting curse for all specs so they get a perma slow. So curse dispel would be helpful.

Enhance shaman having zero instant CCā€™s while every other melee classes have access to multiple instant CCā€™s is unbalanced and is one of the reasons why Enhance pvp is the weakest melee class in BFA and predicted to still be the weakest melee class in Shadowlands. A pvp talent to have hex benefit from MSW and/or a pvp talent to make cap totem instant is necessary imo.

PvP needs a lot of work IMO and I donā€™t think they can all fit into the three talent limit. Things like Hex on MSW and capacitor totem instantly triggering a channeled stun have almost zero PvE implications and no reason not to include them baseline for the sake of PvP.

PvP wise, curse dispel is ok, but its still basically a counter to one of 12 classes which is the definition of niche. I feel like we only have curse dispel because we can cast hex (e.g. if we can cast a curse we should be able to cleanse a curse??) and to fill the 3rd slot for curse removal to balance the 3 disease / poison classes.

I donā€™t really expect the base cleanse spirit to change, but I would hope for either a longish CD based option (because shamans always get a watered down version of other class abilities) or just less focus on poison / disease in M+ from a design standpoint. In the end though, you usually just tell one of your DPS or the tank to cleanse as needed which doesnā€™t feel great as a healer.

I do understand how that feels. And as I said for pvp wise thats why I said it. I have not healed as shaman in a long time last time I healed I was a priest in vanilla. I had tried to heal as a paladin and just failedā€¦ This being said there is a lot they need to do to get Shamans, Paladins and a few others to be competitive imo.

Is there any way they can just make a talent for Resto shaman that makes Astral Shift useable on an ally? I rarely need it for myself. It would at least be one single target CD.

They could but I personally donā€™t think their coders would be able to figure it out or are just lazy

Examples: They seem to be unable to distinguish two separate versions of flametongue (giving spellpower to resto/ele and regular to enh) or are just too lazy. They could have made stormkeeper synergize better with enh toolkit but instead just cut and paste from ele (instant instead of maelstrom reduced and forcing us to 10 stack). They legit have stormkeeper (Elementalā€™s legion artifact ability) to another spec in the first place instead of enh specific talent (super lazy). Shaman use the same throughput cooldown between all three specs (Ascendance). Anything shared by another spec rarely gets augmented in any interesting way, exception seeming to be frost shock via a talent.

I would personally rather see a rework of Surge of Earth.

Surge of Earth - instantly consumes the remaining charges of your earth shield to heal your target for the total amount of each charge and give 3% damage reduction per charge.

Use it with 5 charges left? 15% dr for x seconds. 10? 30%. And so on and so on.

Can flavor it as bursting into a stack of stoneskin on the targetā€¦each stack of stoneskin reduces incoming g by 3%.

If we wanted to get real fancy we could even have the cooldown in vary depending on how manyamy charges you consume (more charges equal longer cd).

Magma totem should come back to all specs, it has great utility in pvp (keep in combat, stop drinks) and can do some dmg in pve, and fit the fantasy of shamans. There was 0 reason to remove it to be honest.
AS the idea of fire nova to elemental, i like it, but maybe it will feel clunky to use, but couldnā€™t say for sure unless tested, worth a try at least.
And as you and other people stated, i donā€™t think they will give shamans another dispel (poison), because they have an offensive dispel that other healers donā€™t have, specially as the one people want (cleansing totem) that was one of the most broken totens that shamans ever have.

No please, earth shield canā€™t swap with wind rush, nature guardian is mandatory for pvp and also is earth shield 99% of the cases. As a squish class with 1 defensive cd we are forced to pick every defensive scattered around the talent rows, if we group then in the same row it would be really bad for the class.


Some derp developer hates the idea of changing anything with Flame Shock. I do like this idea though!

I agree 100%. Nothing makes me more angry about Shaman in shadowlands as the lvl 40 talent line. No changes from BFA. If you pvp you have to take Natureā€™s Guardian or you will get stomped into the ground. You actually need to take Feral Lunge because of its ability to maintain uptime on people who are trying to kite you. Other classes like warrior have talents that change their gap closer to make them better when they take the talent, but if they donā€™t take the talent they still have the ability to use! Imagine if heroic leap was a talent for warrior and not base lineā€¦ And Wind Rush totem is useless.