Describe a Movie Badly and See If People Can Guess It

Is that Ronan 47 by chance?

Nope! Another clue. Hero was the basis for a Warcraft prestige class.

-thinks that should give it away-


That was a great movie. I must have seen it a dozen times at least.

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Conan ?

Another hint!

HINT: The writer/director created a cult classic movie involving ā€œdead peopleā€.


One more!

Angry old despot plots to rule world. Hero rises up, but is almost thwarted by evil 50 year old despot who is apparently a scientologist. Despot almost kills the hero with his knock off replica of Teebuā€™s Sword (Lightsaber). Actually a two-parter as said villain returns with help from his bald girlfriend. Sequel sees hero and villain clash again and transform into animals to fightā€¦ IN SPACE!

After defeating the 50 year old again. Hero then grows to absurd size as they prevent a catastrophe. Yet for all of his effort, our brave hero is unable to return to a normal life as he gets turned by his father into stars along with the girl he liked, and who was likewise killed a few minutes earlier by her mother.

Additional Notes:

Characters of the story had almost no resemblance to their original source materials.

Either of the movies is a good answer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok so probablyā€¦ Shahsadfamoaiyan guyā€¦

Uhm, but what, there was the plant movie, the elevator movie, the big armed guy movie, the dead teacher movieā€¦ oh man Iā€™m drawing a blank.

Oh wait, there was the wicker monster movieā€¦ what was that called.

Troubled jock kills orphan for accidentally giving him a scar.

Iā€™m realizing that this is a very obscure movie and Iā€™ve stumped myself because I canā€™t think of any more hints that wonā€™t make it obvious who the director is.

Ok, the director of this movie is George Romero, maker of Night of the Living Dead. Final hint.

Itā€™s the same guy that did Split and The Happening (a woeful number staring Mark Wahlberg) ā€“ ok edit, yeah I wasnā€™t thinking of the same. Jeeze man, youā€™ve stumped me again.

Nicholas Cage has a string of bad luck on his alpaca farm, no thanks to his rebel daughter and a rogue meteor. That bonding moment between mother and son was something thoughā€¦


The Colour of something - crazy movieā€¦ The Colour of Sound? The colourā€¦ of ā€¦ LOL full points for your description lol of mother / son.

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Ok, here is the movie I was thinking of. Canā€™t show the trailer because there is suggestive material in it, but this is a clip from the movie with the Donovan song.

There is no connection with this movie and the Nick Cage movie with the same name.

Another one I havenā€™t seen, Iā€™ll bet itā€™s good.

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Kind of makes me sad, because it was a great movie, but the audience wanted more Night of the Dead movies so he gave up on expanding his art. This movie told me that he was way more talented then your basic zombie movie.

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Colorful men screw up jewelry store robbery.

This is a stretch, but could it be that Tarantino flick - uhmā€¦ with Mr. Pink and Mr. White and all ā€“ Reservoir Dogs?

That is correct!

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Went back and made a few tactical edits to improve the odds.