Describe a Movie Badly and See If People Can Guess It

Is that like an obscure black and white European movie with subtitles?

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The goonies


The Goonies!


Love ya Rhay but…

We have a winner!


LOL, you know what - I haven’t yet seen that movie! I’ll need to make a point of doing that!

This was why I said “Superman / Bizarro”. :stuck_out_tongue:


arranged marriage… I just can’t … figure this one out.

The movie theater story. lmao

End of Days

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A guys package arrives seriously late

Omg I’ve seen that movie a few times. Good job lol you totally stumped me! :slight_smile:

omg the movie with Tom Hanks on the Island… Alone? What was it called aaargghgggh…

Cast Away

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You’re the only one who tried to guess

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I’m supposed to be working… :wink:

Prison guards sneak out inmate to do good deed.

Yeah, ok ok the GREEN MILE!

/10 char grr

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I haven’t seen the goonies in forever but I don’t remember Superman……

Surgeons doing crazy stuff and ends with them cheating in a football game.