Denial of Service 10/10M - US 77 - 9HR - Recruiting Mage

Join us, we have pics of cute bunnies in our discord!

i love bunnies

Come raid with us!

Is a hot dog a sandwich? :thinking:

Its more of a taco than a sandwich

banana bread is yummy

I want banana bread please send.

“How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real” ~Jaden Smith, the most revolutionary philosopher of our time

my cat is fat

he’s not fat he’s big boned

Patch tomorrow!

I’ve got my pool floaties and sunscreen. Totally ready for Naz’jatar


We’re going so hard on azerite that a certain someone can’t stop and get a roomba for his cat to ride on

looking for a holy paladin

Do you like Whack-a-mole? Do you hate when healthbars go transparent? Look no further! Denial of Service is looking for a pink class to come fill health bars with us. Apply today!

Why are hpals so hard to find? News at 11

still looking

WTB big, strong glimmer knight

join us today