Denathrius and the Jailer

Why is Denathrius still an ally of the Jailer? Am I missing something? We are going to fight the Lords of Dread boss in 9.2, and we see Dreadlords in a newly datamined cutscene, heavily implying that they are on the same side still, not to mention the Dreadlords in Torghast in 9.1. Sylvanas wanted to free Denathrius after Castle Nathria, but the Jailer told her that
the Sire has fulfilled his purpose, meaning he doesn’t care about him anymore.

One answer people may give is “Denathrius doesn’t know. The Jailer was pleasantly surprised when he came back.” Dreadlords were added to Torghast in 9.1, and it’s possible they were retroactively always there. They could easily have picked up on the conversation. I didn’t think anyone as cunning as Denathrius would blindly trust the Jailer, anyway. This may be the most likely answer, but I really don’t like it.

The existence of this little issue kind of makes sense, because Blizzard said that Denathrius was meant to have a small role, but they kept him alive to use later on because people liked his voice actor.


Denathrius’s goal and Zovaal’s goals are separate.

Zovaal’s goal is to reshape reality to his whims while Denathrius’s goal is to get a slice of the pie whether or not Zovaal is going to give it to him and to do that he needs access to the control room of Zereth Mortis and Zovaal is the most likely to get him there.

It matters little that Zovaal decided to make a replacement Denathrius as Denathrius himself doesn’t care about Zovaal having his own personal playground and only cares about opening the way to the control rooms for reality.

Denathrius at the moment is after the other Zereths and getting the Nathrezim to aid Zovaal in getting at Zereth Mortis.

Zovaal dying won’t matter if he reaches the center of the machine as that gives the Nathrezim & Denathrius future access even if we lock the doors.

Zovaal winning just means that Denathrius must lay low until Zovaal is done and focused on doing what he wants. Denathrius would upon succeeding move in and start building his own Cosmos behind Zovaal’s back that isn’t part of Zovaal’s cosmology. Zovaal will be too busy running his Infinite Cosmology shackled by Domination to even notice Denathrius’s Cosmos!

Denathrius is less of an ally and more using Zovaal as a means for his own goals. For him by having his agents continue to help Zovaal he either can gain information or knowledge from Z.M. from the dreadlords or Zovaal will recognize his worth (securing his freedom and seemingly retaining loyalty) and reward him accordingly.

Did we kill even a single final raid boss this expansion? Sheeeeeeesh.

I can’t wait for Denathrius to say he’s sorry and get his own redemption arc. He must have killed like what 100X the souls Sylvanas did? But as long as you say you feel a little bummed out its cool right? …

So for no. Though I’m pretty sure Zovaal will die when we fight him. Eithet Azeroth being involved in some way or the realm making Forge being repurposed into unmaking him.

Currently history disagrees with you. Let’s take a look at the fates of the final bosses, the ones marketted as the Big Bads, from the last few expansions.

MoP: Garrosh was taken prisoner, though Thrall did duel him to death in a cutscene next expac.

WoD: Grom freed Draenor. Presumed dead after the Mag’har Orc scenario after 30 years of living on the world he personally saved. B-Plot villain Gul’dan escaped to cause Legion where players finally killed him.

Legion: Sargeras got locked up with Illidan standing guard over him, likely talking about how prepared he was between discussions about his scar.

BfA: Sylvanas flew away to another castle to get her good girl soul in SL. B-Plot villain N’zoth either got stabbed to death by Xal’atath or is trapped in Xal’atath, the trapping dagger for Old God-like creatures.

History suggests we won’t kill Zovaal in Shadowlands. We might kill him in the next expac (50/50 there), he might get locked up (also 50/50), but he is still more likely to be the savior of Shadowlands or to fly away than he is to die in 9.2.