Demure(8/8N LOU 4/8M NP) - Cutting Edge Progression Guild Recruiting Healers & DPS!


We are still looking for exceptional players who are interested in progging the final push of AotC (We’ve seen p3 so far!) giving us a lead to start going into mythic for vault kills and pushing as far as we can this tier with CE as the goal for future tiers.

Still Recruiting, priority on RDPS mainly Boomy and Aug Evoker.

Bumping ^^ as we are still ironing out the roster.

Still Recruiting, priority on RDPS mainly Boomy and Aug Evoker.

Still Recruiting, priority on RDPS first. Then exceptional melee DPS & healers. We are close to having a core 20 man for mythic! :smiling_face:

Still recruiting some RDPS priority on boomy. All exceptional classes will be considered though :slight_smile:

New Recruitment needs, please check post :smiley:

Still recruiting, focusing on RDPS and 1 Healer Spot.

Currently recruiting Any and all exceptional RDPS specs!

Still recruiting RDPS!

bump! We are still recruiting. Send us a message!

Bump! We are still recruiting!

Still Recruiting any and all Exceptional RDPS!

Recruiting RDPS and Looking to fill 1 Healer Spot!

Still recruiting RDPS, Healers, and 1 Tank spot open.

Bump for the post.

Recruiting for the new season. Lets go!

Still looking for more demure players.

Bump for the post. Recruiting prio on Lock and Priest.