Not sure if asking seriously, but if so:
Nah, in PvP you send your go without delay.
Its much more important to get damage out in CC windows than trying to min max vilefiend uptime.
Also PvP is a pressure race, getting your stuff out and forcing cooldowns fast has more value than waiting 15 secs to min max.
Also changes if youre a target or not, but putting your tyrant 4 seconds before expiry of fiend or dogs leave you open to interruption killing your go.
Better to just send as soon as you can, especially if youre the target and eating kicks and stuns.
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I recommend a beast master hunter if you think demonology is too complex.
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I swim in demonic core procs.
No that was Season 1 to 2 of DF.
I just find with dogs and vilefiend plus partner cds we get defensives even without tyrant. By the time my pets have about 10 seconds left most of the defensives at least on the kill target are half over if not gone, that’s when I fear then DR fear the healer, coil the off target and pop tyrant.
Feels like a waste to pop tyrant immediately when we’re getting defensive cds anyway without it. But I also haven’t had the chance to find a good demo streamer so I’m just shooting from the hip. Your advice is appreciated, thanks for the reply because it was a serious question.
Demonology looks very daunting at the begining but once it “clicks” you will notice the rotation is very simple.
start watching or reading a guide of your preference (icyveins, kalamazi, method, echo or wowhead) then try to play around with each spell see how they work and learn what they do.
Blizzard’s argument was that we get too many demonic core procs. Hence the reduction. I don’t have issues with cores either, but it definitely felt good.
I know nothing of pvp but pve demo is probably one of the easier specs. Its less a rotation and more a priority.
Vilefiend on cd
Dogs on cd
HoG with 3+ shards unless squeezing more imps in for implode or tyrant.
Always tyrant vilefield, dogs and grimoire with preferably 10-15 imps (this is very hard to reach with season 1 haste levels so i usually shoot for 6+)
Shadowbolt and demonbolt to build shards. Never hard cast demonbolt. Power shiphon on cd unless a tyrant phase is coming up, then bank the siphons for preparation.
Implosion is basically the same rotation but with implode with 6+ imps and 2+ targets before the first batch of imps expire.
A good imp tracker weakaura will make a world of difference.
No its not, and peronally i love the current gameplay its the best its ever felt. Dont reduce us to 3 buttons like other specs.
What I miss most is 5 shards on summon tyrant.
At least Soul Harvester gives you 3.
Same here brother, It was great for that burst potential. But overall I do like the new stuff and diabolist makes you feel more like an actual demonology warlock more so. But the soul harvester is great and easier to get into. Especially if you want something more passive and less involved.
all these years later they still dont know how to get demo right, ever since they gutted them POST MOP ( Peak Demo ) they have been a overly complex stupid mess.
Yeah I feel like Gul’dan from Nighthold. I can’t bring myself to try soul harvester because Diabolist is exactly what I want from Demo!
Demo was kind of hot trash during before the rework.
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Legion Demo was the worst designed state this spec has ever been it. Just awful. TWW is the first time they’ve ever surpassed MoP Demo.
- Just Power Siphon when you can. Same with Enduring Strength or whatever (pet strunk)
- Demon Bolt at 3 or more flashy stacks. Try to avoid this at 4 soul shards or higher.
- Let the dogs out on cooldown.
- Push Tyrant when you let the dogs out.
- Hand of Guldan at 3 or more Shards.
- Implosion your imps into groups of 2 or more.
- Shadow bolt/Drain Soul as filler.
This gets you like 80% of the way there. There is the Doom mechanic, Imp tracking (for optimal implosions/Tyrant usage) and a few other things, but once you have the basics down, the rest is easy to pick up. This is really not bad… I remember the insanity of DF caster rotations, some specs had 24 steps.
Idk it’s been my favorite class to play right now, it’s even easier than BM and THAT’S a low bar.