Demonology spec bonuses

The 4pc, while says ‘a chance’ is not actually a chance, it is a direct formula that has been proven to be accurate. The formula works out differently depending on target count. If pure ST when the brand expires the math works out to be like every 5 or 6 brands expiring, and in aoe it works out to be like 13 or 14 or something, can’t recall exactly. But it is not pure RNG % chance to occur.

Instead of a bonus could we just get s1 survivability back I just feel like a victim in PvP now

I really want to vote for S2 but I just can’t. I personally love when demo is burst oriented with short cooldowns and feel S2 would push it there (assuming NP still is not played), but only if some of the nerfs got reverted. Right now there is no way of getting GFG to align with Tyrant. Without S2 having a full 1s reduction to GFG the cooldowns don’t align which was half the fun of the tier set. And with the demonic core nerfs even with the full 1s, I am worried that it would be close but still not fully align, especially with high movement fights. Also, S2 really falters in M+ because any downtime essentially desyncs your cooldowns. If S2’s tier set just reduced GFG’s cooldown by 30s and gave more AoE value in some way, then it would feel fun. But, at the moment it will just mean your cooldowns still don’t align with each other, you don’t get any extra casts of GFG unless fights go very long, and you cooldowns won’t align with any mechanics (like Smolderon’s increased dps phases). So, my vote has to be S3 as that is the only way to be relevant in ST and AoE without worrying that they will fix problems they created. Also, buffing all demons with GFG while tyrant only extends 10 imps will be extremely awkward in AoE considering we implode during tyrant now.

Yeah i agree. They def. cut up alot of talents that made S2 tier powerful.

I rather br safe and go with what works i dont trust them enough to not mess something and have more talents get butchered again. I still remembered that bug that the talent gf was getting buff by all the felguard talents for like weeks. They then decided to nerf the grimoire felguard and then correct the bug after the nerf. Nope.

Especially with a rehash patch which theyll drop and then focus on expansion content.

I like this idea for Doom. Take Doom the talent and leave as is (maybe increase the single target damage), next talent is Doom Brand that changes it to work like the tier set 2pc, and the final talent node gives the 4pc summon effect.

Regardless I think this tier’s Demo set bonuses have been fun to play with and powerful enough to matter.

theres only 1 choice lets be real S3 lets goooo

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Well said was pretty much going to say the same.

It’s a shame, because tuning aside bringing out a doomfiend feels incredible in most content rn. But from an optimal standpoint, S1 might be the winner. S3 has potential though, but im afriad currently s3 tier/talents are a little overturned and they’ll fix that if s3 makes it into S4.

Most logical approach would just to make demom brand/doom a capstone. I worry trying to bake s3 tier set into current doom placement on the talent tree would really upset our power budget and end up making a lot of things underwhelming.

2p is the true DPS increase for the tier, 4p is just cool flavor

S3 Tier is the only one worth mentioning tbh. Buff Warlock pet CDs though, Darkglare sucks, Infernal sucks, Tyrant sucks. Dont even run pitlord anymore. An entire class based on demons and none of them are exciting to press.

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Yeah, I voted for S1 (big copium) because proccing Hand of Gul’dan feels so good due to warlock’s lack of mobility. S3 currently deals much more damage, but they are tuning the tier of choice so I much rather have S1 than S3. Also, while S2 makes your Tyrant a 1,5min cd instead of a 2min cd because of Grimoire: Felguard, it is not even close to feel better than S1 or S2 tiers.


Would be awesome if you get the right to vote if you have already your char at 70. people trolling right know with some votes

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tbh if they dont bake s3 tier bonuses into the demo tree ill cry, just replace the nether portal talents with s3 tier

Or have it replace Doom entirely, since basically no one uses it outside of Mage Tower, if I’m not mistaken.

yeah that works, i just really like this set bonus a lot. its a lot of fun to play with

Season 1 vote.

The talents that we take with the naked tyrant build that we didn’t take in previous seasons actually makes up for the loss of core procs from other talents that were removed.

vote season 2 for pvp guys!

season 3 tier is the worse in the game for pvp!

I feel like S1 would be best for PvP. Instant HoG lets you kite much easier.

When pushing keys, the S1 tier set allowed a lot more flexibility and overall felt a lot more fun to use than S3 did. Also, if you are voting for S2 chill with the pot, Demonology was very limited in mythic+ S2 and the tier set didn’t help at all.