Demonology Direction in TWW is All Wrong!

Exactly. I wouldn’t care so much if they were purely optional. Hard to get around some of them.

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Damn blizz i didn’t think you guys would take a random joe low gamer idea and turn it into an expansion tier set piece, especially design towards spamming shadow bolt. I did needed a laugh, so that’s that.

At least give that ability a chance to be cast instantly on a pet proc, man just the thought of casting it now that is on a tier set. I dont know. Urgggh.

Noted though.

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Yeah i don’t really agree at all, I think the direction of Demonology is absolutely fantastic in TTW.

Also your argument about CDs doesn’t really make sense to me coming from live. The CD situation is considerably better in TWW because they got rid of a lot of the dsync. When CDs sync they are much easier to properly manage.

My only real issue with it is some of the randomness they inserted w/ soul shard generation which can sometimes makes ramps awkward and inconsistent, particularly concerning Dreadstalkers.


Playing on beta Demo is very fast paced trying to juggle a dozen things.

Demonic Core generation is not as bad as I thought it would be between Imps dying, Dreadstalkers, and Power Siphon.
Then you have procs from Diabolist to work around.
Of course, rotational cooldowns like Big Dogs, Demonic Tyrant, and Demonic Strength.
And, in AoE, cooldown for Doom is reset when the target dies.

There’s no difficult content in beta right now but the new Demo might be a bit too fast paced and busy for me.

That was not the case when I made my original post.

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Most alpha testers are people that are actually good at the game.

Not heroic Andy’s that started playing the class/spec in remix.

Correct for being wrong in TWW. But shouldn’t demonbolt be hitting for a significant number instead of now being regulated to just being a soul shards generator.

It feels like that ability should be doing a hell lot more. Specifically since their trying to have it proc less often.

I think they are making the changes due to one of the hero talent tree that lets you summon a giant demon. It gets summon with the number of soul shard you use so as a demo lock with demonic core procs every other ability you can pretty much summon these giant demon that does massive damage every 10 to 15sec? That’s now how blizzards want you play so some nerf had to be done.

Or they could have just increased the soul shard generation rate for Destruction and let both specs feel powerful. Choices, choices…

I see in the wowhead calculator they made imp implosion mandatory, if you actually want the other talents

What you guys think about it? cause it feels like crap to me, def going to change for destro if this stick, i avoid that talent like a plague

They set up the talent trees for all 3 specs to have to take that specs main AoE ability.

yeah, but why though? just for the sake of saying they change stuff ?

Honestly, pretty much. The majority of changes, not just to talents but in general, seem to be driven by the desire to show that they’ve done something, anything really, and not because it was a practical or necessary change.

I don’t mean to be cynical but it’s very hard to look at a lot of these changes as a long time player who has a deeper understanding of how the game works and not think that there isn’t a lot of paycheck justification going on.

It’s a 20 year old game, there is only so much rejiggering that can be done.

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Because one of the biggest complaints across all specs in regards to talents is having to make a binary choice between “Full ST” and “cleave/AOE”. So now even if I’m building a full ST spec, I’ll have at least some AOE in there. It’s honestly a great change and it is unfathomable to me that people would be upset. Don’t like having Implosion/Rain of Fire/Havoc/SoC in a full ST build? Who cares, don’t press it.

Isn’t the same the other way around? don’t want to choose between “Full ST” and “cleave/AOE”? who cares?

The problem here is the forced choice, to have implosion, which is imo a crap alent.

Wait…so you don’t want to play Implosion ever? Like you never pick the talent?

That’s absolutely crazy.

Anyway, no it isn’t the same. There are plenty of fight examples where playing full ST is the right call but there’s still occasionally AOE requirements, so having the ability to AOE in a full ST build is great. Sorry you…don’t want to spec into Implosion? Absolutely wild.

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You think everyone is a mythic+ player? thats crazy

I partially agree with the OP. I played demonology originally as a demonic miror to beast mastery hunter. Instad of animals, I have demons. I never wanted to be a zookeeper.

That aside…

I badly illustrated this in my own post, so I’ll try again here. There are two main things I dislike about how demonology currently works.

One, ties into demonbolt and hand of guldan. The problem I have with Hand is that it’s a two-component abilitiy. It has some direct damage, and then some damage over time using the imps. It might be differernt if Hand’s dot came in the form of residual fel damage. But it doesn’t, and it feels strange to me. A good solution here is to move the dropping of imps to demonbolt. Its name is DEMONbolt after all. Then, buff the aoe direct damage of Hand. Now, we have a viable, procced single and multi target abilities that feel like they are doing what they are meant to do.

The second issue is more of a nitpic on my part, but the OPs post reminded me of it. The talented imp spawning should only incur while in battle, phasing out once battle is over. I don’t like being swarmed by little hopping guys while at the AH, bank, or trying to RP with someone while sitting at a table at an inn. I can dismiss my main summons, and these guys should go away also.

I hear you on that one. I find imps in general are way too whimsical and frankly immersion breaking. I know the entire game has a bit of a cartoonish style but imps are still over-the-top even when you take that into account.

Well, I mean, they -can- be immersion breaking, depending on what you’re doing. But that’s the point. I’m the summoner. They’re supposed to obey me. I don’t want random demons popping in and out all day long. What if I’m in Northrend and need to visit the rumbling outhouse? “Hey! Get out of here you stupid imp!”