Demon Soul Horde Reconnections

Destraxtion - Tauren Warrior
GM of Unusual

Hope my name doesn’t trigger anyone’s PTSD. I would love to reconnect with old guildies and rivals.

@ Alidrell, I’m sorry dude. I know I was a jerk. I hope you’re doing well.

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Etock here from Splintered Glory, TBC, any of the old SG Members still out there, we will be getting the guild back up in Classic. We are going on the PVE server Myzrael, horde side of course. Everyone is welcome to join back up.

was it scarob or something like that? also had a priest named wololololo and his bro had a warrior named tarma too

This is Etock
hey bro, you may or may not remember me, i was co-GM of SG, played mostly heals, jumped around on toons whichever was needed to fill in for raids. Gawi and I will be creating the guild on Myzrael, PvE server in classic, if you want to give it a try. He will be tank and i heals, so we got a good base for instances, if you know of anyone else from the old crew pass the info along.

Dude I remember you. You were in with my 2 brothers

Python (Prot War) and Thrash (Hunter)

I was Storms (Shaman) but I wasn’t in the guild.

It’s so trippy because like a week ago I was talking to them about the old days and . I used to watch my older brother Python play and this one night when you guys were getting to raid I remember Juni the rogue saying this quote “I’m 23 and I have never kissed a girl” and THAT is literally the only reason why I remembered your rogue .

I miss you :stuck_out_tongue:


Undead Warrior

All I did was duel and arena when those came out in tbc

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Wow, so many familiar names and guilds!

VIrusoflife (Undead rogue)
Dotscom (Orc warlock)

I was in quite a few guilds…lol

Momosan, Rank 12 UD Warrior. Co-Leader and MT of Liquid Reality.

Looking for Kauffee, Sakaki, Azumako.


Yooo! Kritical here! Undead mage/flag killer for our wsg team! Whats up dude! Dont know if you remember my IRL friends nomakk (ud rogue) and ranciid (ud war). I added thrash from vanilla friends website!

Kritical - Undead mage - Cheat to Win pvp guild.

Our raid leader was an orc Shaman named Lasher and we managed to do pretty damn well is bg’s in blues vs all the T2 alliance guilds haha. Shoot me a dm if you want! ZenGamer#8786

yooo man whats up!

We remember all you guys! We tried to find lasher but no clue where he is. I also remember Kablam and grahamoo. they prob remember some others. What server you guys rolling on?

Haha yes! Nomakk used to have his old email but cant find it anywhere. Would love to get in touch with that goon. Unfortunately nomakk and ranciid wont be able to play (at least not yet anyways) cause they travel abroad for work. But still have a bunch of friends from vanilla rolling with me on Skeram! How about you boys?

dm me! ZenGamer#8786

Does anyone know what server Justinblade will be on or what his name will be? I would very much like a rematch.

Duraton - orc elemental shaman
TARGAS, Prisoners of warcraft, and others I can’t remember.

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I talked to justinblade often he says someone took his name on every server so he’ll go by the name of bladestrike I told him to go faerlina with me

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I was Brenbr a tauren warrior from ubuntu

Oh thanks for responding Tigerlady, I DEF remember Slippy for sure, at least as late as running late night Nax 10s…

Broder was an amazing Druid, and I sadly can’t recall Shen, but I’m sure that’s my own fault and not theirs.

Thanks for the update, what a flashback.

Gawi! That was it, I couldn’t remember the GL’s name. Thanks for the update Mav, that’s awesome! I’ll keep an eye out and send you and anyone else I can get the info.

I too was in Splintered Glory, but during the TBC years. I mostly played a BE Holy Paladin during Karazhan and a little bit during Tempest Keep, its name was Glymere. I also played some Warlock during the same time, a Forsaken Warlock named Deshra.