{Demon Hunter} Fel Rush + Wraithchill Illusion

Bump, still an issue in the new year with my demon hunter :frowning:

Do we have any acknowledgment that this is on the queue to be fixed? The only reason I purchased the collectors edition was for this Illusion and my main is a DH so it’s rather frustrating to have a pretty obvious bug

Note the phrase “We are currently working on a fix and will update this article with our progress.” That’s more assurance than a bug usually gets.

Confirming that this is still an issue as of 1/3/2020. Hope this gets fixed sooner than later.

Just pre-purchased the Epic Shadowlands Edition.

As of 1/13/20 this is still bugged…

Looking forward to a fix.

They fixed it :slight_smile:

still bugged, just a very low chance of happening

I’m still having issue for felrush… :frowning:

Still not fixed.