Demolock macro

Hi all

Tryna make a castsequence,

/castsequence reset=target [known:264119] Summon Vilefiend, [known:111898] Grimoire: Felguard(Summon)
this is not working because if I chose 1 of 2 passive talents that change Vilefiend, it is still technically under Summon Vilefiend I think?

Mark of shatug/Fharg right below the main tree

Macro conditionals need to be at the front of the sequence, not in the middle.

/castsequence [known:264119,known:111898] reset=target Summon Vilefiend, Grimoire: Felguard(Summon)

The first one will do nothing if you don’t have both talents learned, so you can add additional sequences to handle these scenarios.

/castsequence [known:264119,known:111898] reset=target Summon Vilefiend, Grimoire: Felguard(Summon); [known:264119] Summon Vilefiend; [known:111898] Grimoire: Felguard(Summon)