More than just bugs. I mean, unless you have gold fish memory and don’t remember how horribly unbalanced most specs have been for the past few months.
Off the top of my head BM seems to be the most egregious outlier. Then there’s still Feral/SP which were slightly nerfed but are still broken imo. After that what is there that is just out of control broken? Maybe I’m just not thinking of something idk.
They just did that last patch, right? I also agree that that should be the direction it moves in, but I think it’s pretty hard to evaluate how strong lock is or isn’t atm because bm hunters are just shooting them in the head and running them down in 90s.
I’d personally like to see a nerf to cyclone OR dream burst and a buff to boomy defensives because I don’t like being tbe squishiest spec in the game, but I also recognize that you can’t just buff their survivability because boomy+rogue is already an S tier comp that has so much lethal damage.
Nothing. You’re pretty spot on. I also think rshaman and rdruid need mana buffs and arguably a small throughput buff to HoT effects so they have more flexibility to go for hexes/lassos/clones without falling disproportionately behind.
That and buff dk/ret/dh/ww damage by a small amount.
you let a frog demolish you