- I like that the talent tree for demo has been condensed making previously 2 point talents now 1 point.
- The talent tree is straight forward and not to much clutter talents compared to before.
- 2 of the 3 capstone talents are impactful when not bugged.
- The rework to vile fiend and interaction with dogs is really good and probably best part of rework in my opinion.
- Most of the talents feel really under-tuned. This may be because of the hero talents but I’m concerned that if hero talents get nerfed which I know that they will, the spec will suffer big time.
I prefer core/primary talents to be strong and hero talents to add flavor. Right now it seems like core tree is there as a support for hero talents. - Not much diversity. I mean more than just single target vs aoe. Would like to see diversity in play style. I feel like unholy do tree does a very good job and is an excellent example of a diverse talent tree.
What I would like to see:
- Imp-erator has a cool name for a very boring talent which could be baseline.
- GFG is a really old talent that has not aged well. Needs a rework similar to vilefiend. Or make it much more impactful and powerful. Currently really under-tuned.
- Bilescourge Bombers is another very old talent which has not aged well and really doesn’t even fit with current demo play style. It only does damage (very little damage) with no other utility. Would be great if this talent had a chance to case HoG each time it did damage making it give more wild imp synergy.
- Shadow Invocation is a cool talent which procs a really under-tuned ability.
- Make Fel Obelisk pvp talent a capstone talent.
- Immutable Hatred is really under-tuned especially with new core economy. Needs major damage tuning.
-New Doom is better than old Doom but still bad . Doom Eternal is another really cool name for a boring talent. If it made Doom get applied to all targets damage by Doom that would be really cool and it would fit with the name of the talent. Doomguard Doom Bolts would be nice if they also had a chance to reapply Doom.
My feedback for what it’s worth. I would give more but really…