Demo Mortal Strike, BM Mortal Strike

In Dragonflight, Blizzard made a change to Demonology Warlocks decreasing the mortal strike of Felguard to 20% instead of 25%. Their reason at the time was due to Felguard uptime on targets they felt it was necessary to nerf the pets mortal strike.

My question is: How do BM hunters/Surv Hunters pets not have just as good of uptime if not better with Dash and Kill Command?

My opinion is that either both Hunters and Warlocks should have 20% mortal strike or 25% mortal strike, not one having 5% less than the other.

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My opinion is that no one should have a 20 or 25% MS except for Arms Warrior and that the state of mortal wounds in this game is a big part of what is making healing miserable for so many people.

Nerf and even downright remove some MS effects from the game and nerf healing across the board to compensate.


Hunter had Mortal Strike already, though it shouldn’t be done via pets.


It’s be a lot healthier if it was on Serpent Sting or something else instead of pets with 100% uptime.

Should be on main abilities for specs. Mongoose Bite for surv/Barbed Shot for BM/Aimed Shot for MM imo.


In general I’d also like to see most MS effects that are at 20 or 25% be reduced down to 15% or just simply not have 100% or nearly 100% uptime.

any spec that has dmg tied to pets should not be viable in pvp

change my mind


It would be nice if not every pet spec was based around summoning 20 minions to do damage.

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:point_right: :thinking: :point_left: hngggg

feel any different yet?

I don’t mind them being viable but I think that killing the pet should be a valid counter.
Hunters not being kickable anymore and demo having basically insta Rez isn’t good counter play. They are able to self heal it and the healers can heal it.

Make pet management matter.

Giving other classes MS effects has to be the most horrible thing to ever to give classes that dont need it. DH? Why? Warlock? Why? Even to fury like why does it need it? The effects garbage and filling a slot that coulda been used to actually give fury a cool talent like the RB charge from SL

Pets are just DoT’s that you cast on the ground.

Can’t do this with the amount of free cleave damage available right now.

Dots are just pets in disguise, change my mind.