Demo Mage Tower Struggle

I won’t whine & moan. I want too. But it’s nothing new that you all haven’t heard before.

I do however need some kind of direction on how to deal with the three of them all casting their BIG attacks at the same time. It seems like with out fail, I’m getting steamrolled at/around the 60-70% mark on Siggy by the same issue EVERY time.

Siggy does her god mode. fear it if I can’t stun, okay.
Jarl does his god mode at the same time. Okay hopefully demon can tank it or I can kite it.
Runeseer is ALSO doing his god mode at the same time so I need to focus fire that.

My last attempt I managed to survive their triple death god mega combo of BS only to have them literally do it IMMEDIATELY after. Well now my stun is on CD. my fear had diminishing returns, and I didn’t have any more burst CD’s to pop on Runeseer while also trying to keep my demon alive. This was my best attempt to date but still dying to the same problem.

So what am I missing here? Am I just not meeting the DPS check fast enough to stop the timers from overlapping?

talents: Demonic Strength, Doom, Demon skin, Soul Strike (usually do Vilefiend), Mortal Coil, Grimoire: Felguard, Demonic Consumption.

Mechanics are very important on this fight. This fight is also very scripted. How I down this fight. I had my fel guard tank all 3 of them making sure are group for fel guards cleave. Make sure the caster has curse of tongue at all times and melee guys has curse of weakness. I used MC on sig when she about to her blood of her father. I saved my 3rd grim fel guard cd for soft enrage when caster is casting his big spell.
Once jarl reach 30% I focus on bringing him down as asap Once he’s down, the fight is less forgiving. You really pay attention with your surroundings. If you don’t dbm for mage tower it will help.

If they are all doing their signature abilities back to back like that, you are missing the DPS check. You should be able to kill Jarl around the 4 minute mark IIRC. I was able to maintain almost 1k DPS in standard SL gear with drums, a flask and an int pot. I didn’t use any old content gear or consumables. I think you need a minimum of ~850 to avoid the enrage. You can survive one shield explosion after enrage with Unending Resolve, then you’re toast.

I tried running Soul Strike but it was too distracting for me to use consistently. I opted to use Vilefiend to supercharge my tyrant.

I macroed my mortal coil to target Sigryn, same with fear. She casts blood of the father at pretty regular intervals. If you have a macro, just smash mortal coil and cancel the cast. If it is late, hit your fear macro and make sure you re-fear with like 5 seconds left. Blood should be the easiest/most auto pilot mechanic to deal with.

When Jarl enrages, just kite him around and if you have to take a few hits, use Unending Resolve. Curse of Exhaustion works on him and I also macroed that for his enrage phase.

Your damage profile for the fight should be Doom, Felstorm and Tyrant in that order. They will each individually do more damage than everything else combined. It is absolutely critical to keep Doom up on all three. You can safely refresh it early because it’s damage is based on time, not the debuff expiring. Check Details to see what your uptime is and aim for 95%. I had a WA that would block out my character with a doom icon if it dropped.

Make sure you Felstorm with all three stacked up when possible. It can be tricky to get Jarl and the Runeseer together, but just make sure to lure Jarl when he stops throwing axes. If you have to hold Felstorm for 10 seconds to group all three together instead of two, it is worth it.

Tyrant on CD and make sure you have dogs and Vilefiend up. I would use it in the Runeseer in case he starts his shield so tyrant can help cheese it. They won’t always line up and that is fine. A dog cast plus normal rotation can clear the shield in time.

You are going to deal with one sketchy overlap around the 4 minute mark and that is really the test in the challenge once you have gotten use to everything. Stay calm and just deal with things in order. Jarl is actually the least dangerous from a one shot standpoint so don’t be afraid to eat a hit or two.

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Sounds like you’re chain-fearing Sig? I would only fear when she’s about to cast her aoe. Get all 3 stacked on your felguard–it’s better dps. Heal it when needed, or have your resummon ready to go. I think I beat it doing about 860 dps and it felt close. You’re probably gonna have a rough time doing less than that.

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Great resume, would only disagree with 2 things.

The Dps required and the timing to kill jarl, on my kill i ended up finishing it with a overall of 780 dps and killed him(jarl) around 5 minutes and something, my fight should ended around 6:10~6:20

As for OP, using your entire kit is always very helpfull.

Curse of Tongues increase the duration of the runeseer shield cast, meaning you can dps it for longer, Curse of Weakness makes Jarl more “tankeable” for the felguard (you will still need to heal him once), Shadowfury can be used in some moments to both interrupt sigryn castand stop jarl from using whirlwind or give your felguard some breathing window against his berserker rage.

You can also move your felguard away from him, but it can get messy, but while i did it in my progression, on my kill i just kept him there and healed him to full once.

Another advice, the fight is a lot about control and not panicking, its something that dawned on me while watching Sjele’s video.

so it might be worth to watch some kill videos.


Not so much chain fearing as much as a failure of timing on my part. I missed the MC/Stun so I had to fear her on that first God mode. Which meant that when she rolled into the second god mode immediately after I had no CD’s and the deminishing returns. Coupled with everything else it was just a mess.

It was a failure on my part, I know. But a frustrating one all the same!

That’s sort of what I figured and thank you a lot for these guided suggestions! I have 1600 PvP gear across the board (tried getting some of the pandaria crafted gear for sockets but not sure if i’m doing better or worse with that) so I wonder if the abundance of versatility and lack of other important stats is kicking me in the rear now.

Thanks again for all those great tips!

Honestly, for this particular challenge, I wouldn’t put much stock in gear. Generally speaking the MT tests your mastery of class and mechanics. Most of the people screaming about nerfing the MT it are trying to brute force via gear and you really can’t. Focus on doing what the encounter requires, DPS will improve as you master the mechanics.

If you’re making it to the 3 way overlap, you’re getting very close. Keep pushing!

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I am sure there is some flexibility on duration, I just didn’t didn’t have another attempt to compare! Thanks for bringing that up.

I was a slob about curses and never touched tongues or weakness. Those would have been very helpful. There is always room for me to improve. Thanks for sharing!


That’s my understanding. I did the MT back in Legion and while I don’t agree with the extreme limits they put on us (no legendaries, no cov powers, etc) but I definitely remember it not being a ‘brute force’ game back then either.

Think of it as more of a purist challenge. You may miss those things but this iteration truly tests just you and your skills. There is nothing to lean on this time around.