Demo Lock LF Guild

Looking for strong ranged DPS.

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders committed to getting CE.

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord

Who We Are
is a semi-hardcore, late night, weekend raiding guild that aims for mythic progression every tier. We try to perform to the best of our ability. Not only do we raid, but we also do m+ daily! There’s always someone down to do some keys and push them.

What We’re Looking For

  • Dps(mage, balance druid preferred but all exceptional dps welcome) and tank
  • 18+
  • Willingness to take constructive criticism and work together
  • Raid leader
  • Must be reliable and consistent and take/dish out jokes and playful “insults”

Raid Times
Our current raid times are 11:30pm - 2am EST on Fridays and Saturdays. We’re currently in heroic right now to get guild progression before moving on to heroic. According to raider io, we are 5/8H. Unofficially, we are 7/8H led by a few mythic experienced players.

Who To Contact
Currently, you can contact myself(Dbah), Demonempress, or Yoshì in-game, or you can contact me on:
Bnet: Resto#11728
Discord: Restodba#8720

I’m always available in some shape, I just won’t always reply immediately.

Thank you for your time, and hopefully you consider us!

Hi Mcalison,

I’d like to get in touch with you about on Zul’jin. We are currently 5/8M with a 1% wipe on Queen’s Court (Pepehands). Our schedule is Tues and Thurs 8:30-11:30pm ET. We are in need of some strong ranged dps and would like to discuss logs etc with you. I will add you on bnet after i drop you this message but you can also reach me on discord @Geo#6909.

Hey McAlison,

This is JetstreamXT from Battlenet. I noticed that you are no longer on my friends list, and I wanted to make sure it was what you intended. I normally wouldn’t ask, but we seemed to be getting along well up until this point. I have sent you another Battlenet friend request just in case. If you are no longer interested in my guild or in speaking with me, please disregard this message. Thank you!

Could use another lock on our team.

hey mc, incase you are still looking here is a bit about us. if everything sounds good to you, please feel free to add me to further discuss.

Vengeance Alliance, Sargeras

currently 4/8M, working on the 5th.

We raid Tuesday and Thursdays, 8 - 11PM Eastern.

We are currently looking for DPS classes with a high preference towards range.

while raid experience is a huge plus, what we are looking for is commitment and connection. We are looking for people that can commit to our raid schedule and can connect with us as a community. We are happy gamers that enjoy the game despite its many flaws.

During off nights - we run M+s, pvp, heroic nights. classic.

IF interested - please feel free to add me so we can further discuss.


Hi there! If you would be interested in efficient progression raiding on a light schedule, give us a look!

[H] Autonomy - Spinebreaker
Raid times - Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst
Progression - 3/8M 8/8H 8/8N
Just started Mythic, Looking for quality raiders! We have an updated roster on discord.
All of our raiders have the same vision in progression we get work done within our 2 hour raid window.
We are a friendly casual guild. Stress/drama free environment. No loot qqers/big egos or favoritism here.
We run keys/alt runs through out the week!
We have an off-realm community of over 100 players.
We have a 25+man Saturday (Optional) which consist of Veteran/Newer raiders. 730pm pst -1030pm. That is 8/8N 8/8H which is considered our alt/casual raider run/trial run!
Please be able to make Tues/Wed raid times if you plan on raiding with us.

8/8H 2 hour clear.


Always looking for Quality raiders that don’t bring in big egos/qq.

Msg me!!!
Bnet Thiz#11864
Disc Thiz#7444

Hey! Oblivion-Hyjal would love to chat w/ you sometime. Our current progression is 4/8M. We raid Tuesday/Thursday 6:30-9:30 PST. We also have a pretty active mythic+ group. If you’re interested feel free to reach out to me whenever I’m generally pretty available :stuck_out_tongue:

Pheddi#1889 (bnet)
Çlarus#0001 (discord)

<Casually Toxic> Thrall-Horde 8/8H

ABOUT US: We are a semi-hardcore raiding/social guild on Thrall with a love for dark humor, sarcasm, gambling, and an overall good time. We value downing bosses on heroic and then progressing into mythic, all while having fun with close friends. When we’re not raiding we’re usually running mythic keys, hanging in discord, or playing a different game (Borderlands 3, Overwatch, LoL, Classic WoW, etc.). We also have a variety of social events; such as, Cards Against Humanity, contests, raffles, movie nights, achievement runs, and more!

RAID TIMES: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30pm-11:30pm est


  • 420 item level

  • 55 HoA Level


  • Healer (any)

-priority to: hpally, mw monk, hpriest, rdruid

  • Dps (any)

We help gear committed raiders


bnet: NobleWarBear#1291

discord: Mochi#0765

Still on the recruitment needed block.

Tues/wed 12am-3am work for you? We’re 4/8

Finally I’m on my real character!

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I look better as an undead yes

Well I’m lonely.

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We all lonely, me.

Koalaty Time is a Horde guild on Mal’Ganis looking for more like-minded individuals ready to down bosses, run M+, PVP, get achievements, and build relationships.

We are not a hardcore guild; we focus first on our environment and the ability to play in a healthy exciting way. We encourage everyone to embrace their love for the game and do so as a team to reach our goals together in unity.

Active Mythic plus players who try to help everyone get their M+ 10’s done every week, with several players 2k io and above.

Our raids are led by experienced raiders who have done the research and put in the time to explain, adjust, and help everyone get to the point we need for success.

Current Progression
4/8 Mythic Eternal Palace
8/8 Heroic Eternal Palace AOTC

Raid Schedule
Wed/Fri 7:00pm - 10:00pm CST (8:00pm - 11:00pm EST)
Optional (alt runs, key runs, clean up)

Contact List
GM: Battlenet: Landrius#1121 Discord: Landrius#1015
Raid Leader Battlenet: TheRealTacon#1647

Appreciate the reach out Pocoyo, but Wednesday is actually the only day of the week where I can’t raid that early at night. Sorry!

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Hello, We’re looking for a warlock! If you’re interested in the info below and seems like we may be a good fit then hope to talk more soon!

Proper Villains [(A)Proudmoore] (7/8M) is recruiting!

We aim to clear progression raiding, while having fun, all in 9 hours a week.

We’re currently 7/8M EP. Last tier, 9/9M BoD.

Current Recruiting Needs:

  • Tanks: Seeking exceptional Tank
  • Melee DPS: DK
  • Range DPS: Open!
  • Healers: Holy Paladin

Raid Times: T/Th/Su 8-11 PST

Optional Alt Raid on Fridays 8-11 PST

What We Expect From Applicants:

  • Good skill level with chosen spec (demonstrated in logs).
  • Some prior raiding experience in Mythic.
  • Ability to attend at least 90% of raids.
  • A willingness and desire to spend some time outside of raid achieving reasonable character progression.
  • The ability to research current and upcoming raid encounters, and to keep up-to-date with any changes to the game.
  • Friendly, humble personality (team player).
  • Ability to communicate on Discord.


If you have questions, please get in touch with our recruitment officers:

Stareana (Discord: Star#0833, BNet: Solidflash#1444)

Stabster (Discord: Mistake#5834, BNet: Naughtymeat#1528)

Icewing (Discord: Icewing#1761, Bnet: NSalling#1212)

Blast (Discord:Blast#4486)

If you’re interested, please apply here: