Dem' Ol' Small Server PvP Blues

i dont understand how a cheater getting banned affects everyone else negatively. Its a good thing he was banned so you can have a fair pvp competition.

It’s pretty simple.

He gained SO MUCH honor by cheating, he still holds the top spot. Degradation hasn’t allowed anyone to surpass him yet. The ban is just him not being able to be logged in, not a removal of honor. Thus, we still have to compete against his unfair gains.


wont that change the next week? How can he hold standing 1 if hes banned?

Sorry im a noob when it comes to classic stuff. I play on Myzrael US PVE server. I’m rank 8 and just playing because i love av.

Was a general post, going beyond our issue. I think our issue speaks to the problem of how it is designed.

When you have someone gaining 10s of millions of honor in a week, it tends to really screw up brackets. I’m not sure who else is grinding as hard as Jee, but I’m guessing he only sits at around 2.5-3mil honor a week.

Pepa is up there. My Honorspy hasn’t updated in a bit, methinks. Doesn’t even show them in the millions anymore.

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We were scratching 900k the first week, and it declined from there with the highest score being 700k that final week with the person in question. All got in a very short order.

Meanwhile everyone else in top 10 was pushing to the extreme just to keep pace. One of the people that unfortunately moved pushed insane killcounts by comparison to all, and had a solo farm style that meant he needed less time than most to achieve it. Rendered meaningless by one guy not actually doing much at the very least.

It sad to consider some of the best PvP talent moved on primarily due to the denial by a cheat for weeks.

Doesnt honor reset?

Sure! Because Jood is a Miner, it will be a Miner Mana potion and a Miner Health pot.


Meanwhile everyone else in top 10 was pushing to the extreme just to keep pace.

This isn’t going to change until Horde gets set up with a proper bracket agreement. It’s great that a cheater was banned, but ultimately it’s going to be chaos and manic farming if you guys can’t find a way to work together. I imagine more people will leave if this doesn’t happen.

I’m happy to help whoever wants to get that set up, since we did it on Alliance we have a little practice.


I support this post.

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Unfortunately some of us remember when Blizzard specifically said they never approved of that, and encouraged people to beat them.

And then the chains of bans due to harassment and exploiting to maintain the stacks.

Some of us aren’t keen to walk down that road again, and the initial hub-bub kind of poisoned the well. I got told to sit out because I was Rank 5 at start of BG launch. Telling others how to play the game infuriated several people and so we are left with people playing the game as intended: The top is the top.

Sucks, but the system sucks, and people assuming social leverage would make that system better I think are worse than the system.

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It sucks significantly less if people cooperate. Pretty much every server has a bracket stack, and I’m not aware of any people who have been actioned by Blizzard over it.

I understand it can be frustrating to take a lower bracket spot because you’re at lower RP, but the difference is minimal. Especially so if you keep pace over weeks. On Alliance we have players who are about to be rank 12 who were rank 3 when BGs dropped. Why? They are consistent and those above them weren’t, those above them dropped out and their spots were vacated.

I’m not trying to be rude here, but if you’re gonna make people play like crazy to maintain what they have, just so you can take a very small increase in RP gain, that is going to piss them off and that’s a reasonable reaction. It’s like bidding up DKP auctions just to make others spend more points, while maintaining your own.

Again, not trying to shame anyone by saying this, just pointing out the unavoidable fact that such actions have social consequences. That’s why it’s best to just bite your tongue and work out something fair. You will still rank fast (albeit yes, slightly slower) but you can get a lot of time back and make friends with your fellow PvPers rather than setting them against you.

Once we finally got over that hump on Alliance, we’ve had a lot of fun bonding and helping each other rank. It’s been great for the server community. It’s sad to see that the opposite has happened on Horde, people leaving the server because a bracket stack couldn’t come together. There are a lot of players over there that deserve what we have and they’re not getting it.


I agree with you in principle, it’s just that it started so negatively here many did not want any part of it, and I followed suit in reflection of my experiences with it in past.

RL friends of mine took part in stacking and it was an endless dramafest, resulting in people getting banned on both sides of the argument for flaming each other.

With the pro, dedicated crowd at top right now, probably not nearly the same problem overall with Classic. It will devolve very quickly to how ours started everywhere IMHO.

I would support the Horde Bloodsail Buccaneers (or really any server faction that found itself in a similar situation) having their honor recalculated in some manner to compensate for the disruption of the honor ranks those being banned created in their system.

It is a fascinating point that it is not actually necessarily easier to rank up on a small server, which might be what a person might assume if they’d not read up on the system. It does make me worry, knowing the tendency of humans to follow humans to population centers with more opportunities, that given no game mechanical advantage to be here, we, and other small servers, may continue to bleed players from the server if they think this is holding them back. Hopefully the fact that we are nice would prevent this. :slight_smile:

I hope the matter of our Horde’s disrupted honor ranks can be sorted out with a little friendly math. G’luck and good work out there in the battlefields. I wish I got to see you all more in the battlegrounds.


I appreciate the post. It’s is nice to see people that aren’t as deep in the madness care or ask for a change.


For sure. We need a better long-term fix due to our player pool.
The fact someone using manipulation and essentially cheating to screw everyone out of honor was such a problem that I saw many pvpers, myself included, just quit and stop trying because there was no chance.
Any time a cheater impacts the game, it’s not only him that’s impacted.
Especially in this case. Every PVPer is impacted, and there needs to be a bigger and more attentive fix that just banning the cheater and leaving our bracket messed up.

This is Meat Mountain, signing support for pvp fixes.

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Thanks Jood for the post. Yes it needs to be recalculated.




The idea that someone cheated the top rank position, thus, stealing points from others who rightfully earned it, finally getting banned, but, the harm they caused still being in place feels unfair. I’m not trying to rank currently myself but I’ve been doing a lot to help friends out with consumables who are, and it bothers me knowing how much effort they’re putting into this, that they’re essentially punished by someone else’s selfish actions.


People posting #nochanges or arguing for this to remain the same have pretty smooth brains. It’s a different game now than it was, there are new factors to account for. You cant exist in a new game while running off sh*t that worked previously.

Also Alliance are bad, Horde good.

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