Delves are now miserable garbage

Thats so funny because without engaging two heralds I can clear Waterworks on tier 8 at my ilvl. So tell me again how its about ilvl.

This is about scalling and how delves now suck and no longer fun. When mobs have too much damn health and every one hits like a truck. It doesn’t matter if you get a small bump of ilvl. A normal mob will be like a tank and hit like a truck no matter what now.

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i mean, blizzard recommended 603 for t8s for a reason right? and youre way below that and failing, right?
but you want to convince me its not about that? lol ok


They aren’t one shotting me so I must be doing something correctly, like using defensives.

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Endgame content marked as difficult is actually difficult when played at the expected ilvl.

I’m in shock.


They didn’t change anything for solo right? I feel like the difficulty was good for that.

I’m in shock that you need OVER 600 ilvl to ENJOY challenging CONTENT that we’ve PAID for… only to be “”““REWARDED””“” with gear that gives ZERO PROGRESSION to what you have as you NEEDED THAT GEAR to even attempt the … Do you not see the problem with your replies yet?

EDIT: he probably won’t. Can’t knock sense into the senseless lol. Moving on.

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This isn’t fun or engaging

Hundreds of hours of dev time wasted to created this slog of a game mode where you’re just trogging through wax.

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I’m sorry you don’t feel like you’re getting your money’s worth doing something you are unqualified for. Might I suggest gearing up with m0s before doing tier 8 delves?

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You know, when you put it in that perspective, doing something in 603 gear for a chance to get 610 gear that’s useful. Or better yet, doing it in mix 603/610 and getting the same 610 drop. Is that worth the time and effort you put into it? And then do it again for the next levels and then again for the next season. Then the next xpac your gear gets replaced by quest drops.

Does any of that seem fun?

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So they fix the scaling…and then proceed to BUFF beyond the fix AND add an extra ultra nasty mob to T8’s? Why not fix the scaling and leave it alone…typical Blizzard, they don’t know how to fix something without using a sledgehammer. I thought we were past that as things were looking up the last 6 months…wrong. As an aside, the damage does not seem to have been reduced the - was inputed as a +,seems botched too. Oh, and the sporebits are back to respawning after like 5-10 seconds, so that change is bugged now too.

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Don’t play it then? Not sure what to tell you.

Dude, why don’t you check my armory before you use those minimum wage or unemployed fingers.

If whats being said is true then apparently a lot of us just need to stay in tier 7. But a lot of us just want to advance.

A T7 drops Champion 1 gear (597) whilist a T8 drops Champion 3 gear (603)

Gear ilvl doesnt change after 8 so perhaps grinding out some 7s may not be a bad idea

At least in this case a few bountiful T7s will get you closer to the 8s that everyone wants to do

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Must be humbling to know that a minimum wage unemployed sad mage is completing content while you struggle.

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Don’t think it’s the gear that drops from it (though that is nice).

It’s the best vault item for this week

I did tier 8 delves pre-hotfix at ilvl 574 before the hotfix but I was sweating doing them. They’re genuinely a lot easier with proper gear, consumables, and enchants.

It took me 2 delve restarts at ~580 to complete Earthworks (Waxface is nigh impossible on undergeared mage), but I took him down in 2 attempts at ilvl 600. This is pre-nerf to Burn Away.

Gear really helps. Also Brann scales really well and 4/4 curios scale nicely. I got one that had him taunt for 10 whole seconds. That was HUGE.

I guess this depends on what version of mage tower you are talking about, because it didn’t scale your gear back in Legion. You could outgear it.

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I believe everyone is on the same boat there. At least on this thread. Everyone was doing fine til the hotfix broke stuff.

Might just do some T7s til they fix it

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Yes, started doing 7’s which are doable - and that is fine, but I question the need to extra buff 8’s beyond the scaling fix


delves were easy and I was facerolling and getting free stuff.

Work for it, bro.