Delve Spoiler Inside. Read At Your Own Risk

“lower level Delves”

Guess that will be me tomorrow.

I popped up out of nowhere on Zekvir. Nobody expects the Herne inquisition!!

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what am i doing wrong lol i am scaring the 2 big shadows away and going slow on tier 6 lol
am i not that liked lol

That’s a cool little thing. Thx

Holly said it’s a faster experience one boss Delve. I’m not sure that’s akin to MT.

Blizzard is also adding an extra-difficult single-boss Delve for those who want some added challenge.

I had him pop up in one of mine. Unfortunately, it was right in the middle of a huge amount of other monsters, which made it so I couldn’t just focus on him and was overwhelmed. Thankfully it was the only death I had in that delve, so it wasn’t a big deal. And like others said, I still got some loot (though no good gear for me).

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Yeah I just meant lower than t11 where you actually fight him.

We knew he would show up before Max level. Even the NPC who gives you the quest tells you that. But I tend to round up or down at the mid point. So 6 seems a little on the higher side. However, since it has to be a T4 or higher in a Bountiful Delve, technically 4 is the bottom which could put 6 in a “lower level”. It’s just hard to imagine it being lower when the gear requirement is almost Mythic level :rofl:

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Had him show up in a normal delve.


He showed up in an 8 and wrecked us for a bit. We got the loot though! Made for a quick “oh crap” moment when he popped up in front of us lol. Didn’t know that was a thing until it happened.


Yeah, I feel like Blizz wants one thing, they announce that one thing, then with it drops, it’s “mostly” what they said and NO ONE has a clue what is happening :rofl:

Fixed it for you

Same here, we were just facerolling a T5 working our way up and he appeared. Total “oh crap” moment…hit me for close to half my health before i knew what was happening.

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The first time it was a tragedy
The second time is a farce
Outside it’s 1933 so I’m hitting the bar

But I don’t know what’s going on anymore
The world outside is burning with a brand new light
But it isn’t one that makes me feel warm
Don’t go mistaking your house burning down for the dawn
Don’t go mistaking your house burning down for the dawn

(I had to quote Frank Turner.)

Man I want him to show up

I already beat him in his own house, so be nice to do it again outside

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You call it PSA, I call it an unnecessary spoiler. Thanks.

Is that better?

I was roaming around a T8 Underkeep last night after clearing it, going around looking for little xp bags for my dorf and Zekvir popped out. 70M hp, he was lots of fun. I got him down to around 80% and then he killed me, despawned, and left me loot.

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Oh wow, didnt know he could show up after it was cleared.

I got the 4/4 version. It was fun!! BUT for some reason the achievement never updated and says I haven’t obtained it. :man_shrugging:

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