Deleted thread

Looking for more for progress!

Hey can I join I cleared Molten core and got rank 2 on classic?

You’re better off looking for a top 10 guild, classic wow is too hard

Feel free to whisper me directly .I’m the guild HR officer .

I heard your guild has the best taste in waifus and have the most well kept neck beards. Jokes on you though my Katana is folded 10 billion times of premium nippon steel and my body pillow is made out of the purest linens from one of those used underwear vending machines.


OMG that’s so impressive I wish I was that alpha. Can we date you sound hot and are probably ripped and don’t skip leg day.

Somehow I made a wrong turn and got here. I think the Light has abandoned me.

Looking for more!~

Can’t commit to a raiding schedule, but I’m interested in membership just to have a pool of motivated M+ players to run with.

LFM Still! :smiley:

If you have a toon in-game on emerald dream, hit me up online on Bjenkdk or Bjenk, or add me in discord or bnet tag :slight_smile:

Still searching :smiley:

Still looking :smiley:

Now 6/8! Lets go!

Up up and away!

Looking for strong RDPS for progression!

Looking for more!

bump up up and away!

Currently playing horde on ED but my guild got burnt out and stopped progressing. I have 5/12 exp but I’m looking to keep pushing to CE. I’ve been mostly playing frost this raid tier but I’m able to play whichever spec is required of me. Sent a friend request on disc since I am at work currently.

Need some badass mage and warlock applicants!