[Deleted as no longer needed]
Resto Druid or Shammy step right up.
Looking for RDPS for mythic raid esp mage and a boomy
Looking for a boomkin who likes long walks on the beach and doing big damage.
LF some phhhhhaatt boomies to join us for furry times
LF a boomy
Recruitment still open after a solid first week of raid, chasing a fellow Monk as well as Mage/Boomkin/Warlock.
Mage, Boomy, WW Monk or Lock, come join us!
Looking for Mage and Balance Druid still. =)
LF a mage or boomy
BOOMKIN, WHERE ART THOU? Innervate chicken, come forth. Moonfire bots rise up.
LF a boomy and mage
LF a Mage and Balance Druid (Boomkin) still!
LF all ranged DPS and a healer
Hello, We are now recruiting for competitive players for all Classes (except for Enhancement Shaman) as we get ready for Mythic SotFO raiding.
Looking for some cool raiders to join us!
Looking for healer for M raid team.
Healers and dps still needed for mythic raid team.
Healers, warlocks, and mages, let’s be friends.
healers and ranged dps needed.