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Lok’tar, friend! Cinder and Ash - Mal’ganis Horde is recruiting for 8.3. We raid progression (mythic) Fri/Sat 7-10 central and have a more casual (aotc) group on Thursdays 7-10 central.

Honestly, I think the Fri/Sat would be the best fit for you even though we push Mythic. We usually get around mid-tier in Mythic, but we do it as a team. We support each other and help each other grow. We have expectations, but nothing you wouldn’t expect having raided frequently before.

We run M+ throughout the week, but have 1 scheduled night. Our Discord is becoming more active now that 8.3 is about to hit, and it’ll be back to its normal chattiness very quickly.

Ember#1670 bnet
Ember#2528 disc