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Hello hatefuls!

The guild I tank for is recruiting to get more active members, I think you could possibly be a good fit for The Vending Machine. We don’t have anyone that’s currently maining rogue and would love to get one if possible. if you like what you see in that post I linked go ahead and add me on Discord or bnet so we can talk more!

Hi Hatefuls!

Meme Machine Is a guild on Thrall with an emphasis on Heroic and Mythic progression.

Raid days & times: Weds/Thurs 9PM-11:30PM EST.

We are a newer guild that was made in the middle of October. Currently 1/10M & 10/10H as a guild with many people having previous mythic experience. Guild has decided to take a break on raiding till 9.2 due to holidays and so we can recruit/build more and go into the next tier stronger. We are still very active in M+. Our biggest goal is just to push as far as we can each tier while always helping each other succeed as a guild. Casual players, PvP, Mythic+ everyone is welcome!

Raid is really in need of:

-1 or 2 Healers

Although anyone is welcome to join that wants to run dungeons or just be social, we do have expectations for raiders:
-to be consistent in showing up (if you can’t show up then let us know)
-come prepared for raid (gems, enchants, watched vids, battle pots)
-want to improve on themselves (sim yourself, look up class, ask questions if needed).

Guild culture is welcoming and helpful. We run lots of M+ outside of raid with many mains having between 2k-2400 IO. Toxicity/drama/elitism will not be tolerated =)

If interested reach out through discord to:


[Area-52, Horde] [1/10M] [10/10H] Is a newish semi-hardcore raiding guild with a mission to achieve [Cutting Edge]. Self improvement and self accountability is a must, while pushing to clear content in a timely manner. We have a very active Discord, and leadership with Cutting Edge experience.

We have immediate core spots open to push current content. All exceptional players are encouraged to apply even if your role is not listed. Spots are competitive and effort will be rewarded.

Our short term goal is to achieve Cutting Edge and then push to ultimately becoming a top US 200 guild. All of our leader ship sports cutting edge experience. Our raid lead is 10/10 Mythic SoD (current tier).

Currently Looking for:
Flex Tanks
Flex Healers

Raid days are Tuesday/Thursday. 7:45PM-11PM EST

What we expect from you:

If given a raid spot. Be committed to your role in raid.
Be reliable, show up to raid on time and notify leadership (at least 6 hours ahead of time) if you can’t make it! 95% attendance is key.
Be prepared, show up to raid with: consumables, gems, along with gear that is fully gemmed and enchanted.
Respect everyone’s time and effort (this is basically a teamwork building game)!
Be adept and know how to play your character (using all of your spells and attacks correctly and efficiently).
-Knowledge of all the boss fights in the current tier.

Apply through Discord
Discord Invite Code: [8nhMUVk3FD]