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The skilled go back to Era :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a version of WoW built as an e-sport. It’s called Retail.

They also tried that approach with SoM and it failed miserably. Maybe they’re actually learning. So kudos to them.

And stop pretending Classic players want a challenge. They don’t. They’re the biggest tryhard, min/maxers that ever existed. The whole world buff meta, the warrior stacking, gaining every advantage to make the content as easy as possible.

This ‘we want a challenge’ is a complete facade.


SoD is about the PvP. PvE is just gearing for PvP. Ashenvale was a miss but STV is a huge success. Hopefully the PvP events at 50 and 60 are just as good.

Parsers might not want to understand or accept that their beloved PvE content is a veritable loot pinata, but even Blizzard has stated time and time again that theyre making SoD PvE is uncompetitive and easy as possible.

In SoD, you PvE to gear up for the real endgame: slaughtering each other.

If you want a true PvE challenge, play Hardcore. Its literally made to be the most challenging PvE WoW has ever had.


Any pug with more than 3 brain cells can do ALL the content of classic… stop acting like the content wasn’t already easy.

Does not mean

Give up the theatrics and just ask for a harder game because you think you’re good.

Elitists get so offended when plebs can do the same content as them.


Choosing not to make Vanilla content hard is one thing, making Vanilla content even easier is another entirely


Yeah because it forces them to confront the fact that theyre not really elite anything lol.

The real elite players are doing world first mythic over in retail, where that contrnt has gotten so complex and degenerate it makes my head spin.


polo in the Hamptons


Era is not hard. The raids are not difficult. You know retail is where the difficulty is. Also, Cata may provide some difficult raids.

Classic WoW is not supposed to be that kind of challenge.

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You can count of one finger the number of mechanics 95% of Classic raid bosses have a piece. The content isn’t hard. It never really was, we were just a different breed of players back in the games infancy.

As it stands right now with SoD power creep, if they do nothing to the end-game raids, all of it will be PuGable in a group of 20 people anyways. Some classes are already pumping out Level 60 pre-BiS numbers. Lol.

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They say this, but how many people were hard stuck on Kelriss for weeks? BFD was an absolute joke and people struggled. People are complaining about Gnomer being too difficult as well.

LOOOL did they edit it from beer and pretzels to soda and pretzels? that’s sooo lame :expressionless:

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If there is ONLY content that EVERYONE can complete…WHY…EVEN…BOTHER?

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Then don’t bother if it means that much to you. This isn’t retail where there’s four different raid difficulties. This is based around Classic where there is one difficulty and it’s not at all hard.

i bet you never even cleared naxx 40 :expressionless:

Ya Classic WoW is about having purple numbers on some 3rd party website.

ROFL. I was in charge of the first pug to clear Naxx in 2004 WoW. Nice try.

Umm… era exists? Anyone with more than 2 braincells can do all of it content, only thing that’s going to stop people… is not being able to find groups, if they want to do the content I mean.