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Recently swapped back to my lock, looking for a guild to start getting back into raiding. My old main was aotc, and 2/10M. Looking to stay horde but not opposed of going alliance. I will be gathering more gear and should be over 200 by reset. Thank you for your time. My discord is Senpai Grutie#6580

Hey there, Alliance on KT server. Casual raiding guild the raids on Sat from 6pm-10pm, would love to have ya!

Heya – we are an 8/10H guild on Thrall looking for exceptional dps for our core mythic roster (raid on tues/thurs 8-11pm est).

Hey Braxatron,

[Alliance] - Our guild is looking for more ranged DPS (Currently do not have any locks in the raid). Our raid times are Tuesday / Thursday, 9pm - 11pm EST. We are AOTC experienced raiders who started raiding a bit late into this expansion so we’re building the team.

We also do PvP / M+ during the week if that interests ya. If you’re interested you can add me on bnet (Chaos#12520) and we can go over any details or questions you may have.


Hey there, Toni Braxton!

I’m Nyoki and I’m the recruitment officer for Good Game of Mal’Ganis. We, as a raid group, have been playing together since the end of Wrath and have always fully cleared progression with Cutting Edge. We’ve recently made the move to Mal’Ganis, horde, after over a decade of being Alliance (Kel’Thuzad and Stormrage).

We find the only thing that keeps us playing is those in which we’ve played with for a long time. We consider our guild a family. A large, dysfunctional, family. We are currently finalizing the right CE team to take on Shadowlands and would love to talk to you about joining our band of miscreants. :slight_smile:

Feel free to read through the spam below and add my Real ID if you have any questions.

Hope to hear from you!

Nyoki the Insane
(BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886)

The leadership of Good Game have been playing together for multiple years and have had a successful career at not only leading end game content but have excelled at progression and staying competitive. We were formed originally on Kel’thuzad and made our way to Stormrage Alliance from WoD on forward. We finally made the hordian plunge recently and made our way here to Mal’Ganis. Although we may be new to the realm, we’ve been playing together mostly since Cataclysm.

We are currently recruiting skilled and dedicated individuals who believe they have what it takes to be top of the line players. The majority of us are older seasoned players who tend to thrive in that type of environment. We as a guild understand that it takes all kinds of individuals to make a guild successful and thus we would like to encourage all players that feel they are ready for our raid to apply. We welcome not only polished and experienced individuals but also players that simply have not discovered their true potential.

Raid Schedule
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00PM-12:00AM CST (ST)

Current Progression
1/10M - Castle Nathria
9/10H - Castle Nathria

Previous Progression
BFA - 12/12M - Ny’alotha, the Waking City
Legion - EN (7/7M), ToV (2/3M), Nighthold (10/10M), TOS (9/9M), Antorus (11/11M)
WOD - Highmaul(7/7M), BRF(10/10M), and Hellfire Citadel(13/13/M)
MOP - MV(6/6H), HOF (6/6H), TOES (4/4H), TOT (13/13H), SoO (14/14M)
Cataclysm - BWD (6/6H), BOT (5/5H), TOFW (2/2H), Firelands (7/7H) and DS(8/8H)

Ranged DPS - (Open) (HIGH: Hunters, Warlock, Mage)
Melee DPS (Open) (HIGH: UH DK, WW Monk, Warrior)
Healer (High)
Tank (High)

We are looking to recruit several players for a 100% raid spot. Regardless of the status of your class in the above list, we encourage all exceptional players to apply. If you can outperform a current raider and not die to easy mechanics, you will take their spot.

Contact Information
Nyoki: BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886

Hi there!

I just sent you a Discord request. We just lost a warlock to a change in work schedule so we have a spot for you to come on over! We’re 9/10H with Heroic Sire at 2%, soooo close! We raid Monday Tuesday Wednesday from 10pm-1am EST. Let’s chat!

Discord: Keyona#8151

Hey Braxatron,

If you are looking for a new guild to kill some bosses and have fun, come talk to us in Fragment! Our current progression sits at 10/10H and 2/10M. We currently are in the stages of a restructure, so if getting CE quickly is a goal for you we may not be the right fit.

All are always recruiting players with the right skill sets & headspace.

Current recruitment needs:
Hunter: Medium
Mage: Medium
Paladin: Ret: Low, Tank:Low, Holy: High
Warlock: Medium
Priest: Disc: Low, Holy: Low, Shadow: Medium
Druid: Tank: Medium, Boomkin: High, Resto: Low, Feral: Medium
DH: Tank: Medium, Dps: High
DK: Tank: Low, Dps: Medium
Shaman: Resto:High, Ele: Medium, Enhance: Medium
Monk: Tank:High, Dps: Low, MW: Low
Rogue: Medium
Warrior: Tank: High, Dps: High

Progression Raiding Schedule 8:00-12:00 EST (Inv starting at 7:30)
Tuesday(Prog) - Wednesday (Prog)- Thursday(Clean up/alts runs)

We take a few days off after Progression.
Decisions in this guild are always made with the goal of achieving the right atmosphere and pushing to get CE.

-If this sounds appealing to you please feel free to contact us.
-You can also fill out an application at: h ttps://
Discord: (Guildlead)Tracy#7543, (GM)Demonslayerl#4843
Bnet: Tray#1125, Tommy#1664

Yooo we dont have a lock, check us out :slight_smile:
[H] <Certified Crankers> 5/10M LFM

Hey Braxa!

Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall

Who Are We?
Predictive Gaming is gearing up for Shadowlands, and currently looking for core raiders and people interested in rated battlegrounds! We are a mix of newer players and OG Vets. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet friends. We strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; winning and developing as players and people.

Raid Times: Tuesday / Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST

Current Progression: 10/10N 9/10H 1/10M

Our Goals and Requirements
Our Goal is to push for CE on a relaxed raiding scheduling.

Needs: Any exceptional players!
High Needs: Holy Paladin , 1 Tank , ranged dps (pref lock)

Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at

Bumpity bump

Would love to have you!

Bloodfang Coven - [US] Tichondrius Horde

Who Are We?

Bloodfang Coven is a 10/10N, 7/10H Castle Nathria (4/12M Ny’alotha) casual raiding guild. We are active every day of the week (especially after 5PM PST) offering a wide variety of activities from raiding, mythic+, arenas, and more. We are a tight-knit group of gamers who are committed to raid progress, while remaining fairly casual players. Having fun while being committed to making progress is what we do best!

Who Are We Looking For?

We accept any player of any level, class or playstyle into our guild. Our goal is to build a community of cool and fun people to level and do end-game content with. Nearly anyone is permitted to join. For raiding, Core members are expected to attend regularly and on time, while Alternate members are not required to attend. Core members are always given priority with guild resources and raid group spots.

Raid Days: Tues/Weds 7PM-10PM PST


  • Any players interested in M+
  • Core Raiders:
    • Ranged DPS preferred
      • 2 Affliction Warlocks
      • Balance Druid (Resto offspec a plus)
    • Venthyr Arms Warrior
    • Unholy Death Knight

Why#6455 on Discord (Toborxlw in-game), Sandwich#1126 on Discord (Kegslain in-game)

Expectations for Core raiders:

  • Be relaxed and fun but when we are ready to pull, focus up.
  • Be knowledgeable of your class (know your rotation, do the simple things)
  • Attendance! BE ON TIME PLEASE (if not PLEASE let the raid/RL know)
  • Keeping a competitive edge throughout raid tier
  • Good, respectable attitude and not toxic (we are here to have fun and push content!)