Delete this, please

Greetings, if I read the application correctly, seems we can work something out. I am a cook for a casino and because of this, I am not able to raid in the evenings like most people. Therefore, I can only raid after work and that is normally pass 11 pm, when I dont get home till close to midnight. I have contacted Zenowen on Discord, and also posting on forums for faster response/results. I am a 426 ilvl warlock that plays all 3 specs, and very familiar with the whole Warlock class then most people can fully understand, and I take pride in that greatly (ask me about another class, might not get a desirable answer lol).

Warcraft Logs can be found under Cototheburn-Illidan.

I have parc high 70’s in Destruction (most of EP), 40-70 for Demo (for one run only), and figure I play Afflock once more, something I hate since playing most of it since WoTLK, but no parcs recorded since I switch a few days ago.

Battle net is Cototheburn#1923 or Discord Cototheburn#9434

Side note, I am a streamer, but I rarely stream WoW.

Looking to add solid DPS players to our raid team, apply or contact us if you’re interested in Mythic Raiding with a CE guild :slight_smile:

Looking for more solid players to join our Mythic Raid Team! :slight_smile:

Come check us out, looking to add DPS to our raid team!