Delete This Please

30m raid team is full (: No longer need applicants. Thanks everyone!
It's our first time going into an expansion as a guild, and we had a lot of fun in Uldir last night. Did super well with the time and amount of people we had! We're going to start logging our process on Thursday, so if you are considering the guild and want to keep an eye out, please keep that in mind.

Normal is almost too easy - we are going to clean it up and start Heroic Tuesday if everything goes as planned.
Yo, we need a warrior!
Added you
(not in guild just lfg]
09/14/2018 03:35 PMPosted by Nicesword
Added you
(not in guild just lfg]

Are you the one that messaged me on Disc ? O:
We need some strong, muscular manly men warriors to carry us through content! we'll appreciate you as a true warrior should be appreciated!
skrrrt skrrrt
Are you trying to hurt my feelings?? :'(
Am I not good enough for you??


Still the greatest raiding guild around. No doubt about it.
You should join if you are a warrior. Especially if you are as awesome as me... or at least close to my awesomeness.
09/17/2018 02:50 PMPosted by Oxforce
Are you trying to hurt my feelings?? :'(
Am I not good enough for you??


Still the greatest raiding guild around. No doubt about it.
You should join if you are a warrior. Especially if you are as awesome as me... or at least close to my awesomeness.

You heard it here first, folks! lol

yeah we had something BUT THOSE DAYS ARE OVER!!!
*insert stupid quote here*
09/21/2018 07:17 PMPosted by Vlaski
*insert stupid quote here*

You always say stupid things like that. You have no shame. It is like you only wanna promote your awesome guild, awesome guildies and your awesome achievements. I'm tired of your crap Vlaski!!
Get outta my damn thread!!

We need basically everyone and everything, but preferably another DH, two warriors, and a resto druid! Please let me know if you are interested in our heroic progression. (:
What happened? :(
People hate the expansion. ): Bored with it. And some changed from heals to DPS, etc.
Hey dudes! Still need to fill them spots!
If you guys are still looking for Warriors, I'm interested in hearing more about your raid team and guild in general.
I added Vlaski on Disc, so please message me (Disc - Karakka#4687) back when you can.
10/09/2018 01:12 PMPosted by Rakarra
If you guys are still looking for Warriors, I'm interested in hearing more about your raid team and guild in general.
I added Vlaski on Disc, so please message me (Disc - Karakka#4687) back when you can.

We sure do. I'm Vlaski. I'll message you when I can!