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The fact that grounding totem can soak multiple stuns is actual insanity.

Having to untarget the shaman, to slap the totem, while all your damage is getting purged in 1 gcd that has literally 0 penalty to the shaman…is also actual insanity.

The Golden Child

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You would love if bubble were removed and replaced with wings so you could just purge even more buffs + damage off a paladin to waste their CD’s, mana, and hamstring their entire kit for 1 gcd and an insignificant amount of mana…

We actually don’t. You will get purged, dispelled, and viper stung and you will like it.

You still have your Flameshock ticking on 5 targets with a proc chance of instant LB. Funny you keep forgetting that.
Paladin spamming dispell can’t do damage. A Shaman spamming Purge still has his main mechanic working.

Paladin dispel is 1 poison 1 magic 1 disease. we spend 1 gcd to remove 1 buff. No class consistently uses 2/3 of these. Purge however can remove 2 gcds by pressing 1 gcd. Many classes use only magic spells. The fact shaman could always stay one step ahead of you with purge spam is kinda nutty

I have come to the conclusion that no matter what is done to shamans in SOD people will still remember phase 2-4. Paladins, Hunters, Rogues, Boomkins and maybe even Mages and Warriors can be better… but they wont forget. Lets cry about something even if its been in their tool kit for 20 years.

I just wish blizzard had just given Shamans to alliance. Because I am willing to bet 1 million dollars that it wouldn’t had help them at all in bgs.

Horde has been crying about bubble whenever MC was current content, because then Bubble was actually good without delaying dying for 15s.

Yet Alliance had to deal with Flame Shock and Purge (amongst others) since those abilities P2. Now alliance deals with a 5-6s spam ability that spreads in teamfights and does high base damage on a class that is very flexible as a tank, healer and damage dealer.

I’m betting on my hairline that most shamans are just bad players who blame anything else for nerfs and are afraid of their hero class getting hard nerfed into oblivion. Which is unfortunately how Blizzard has treated everyone else but shamans.

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Oh, I would love to see when people created their shamans. I for one have lobbied for alliance to get shamans, to burn spread FS to be nerf (PS proc rate has to be higher). I have agreed that Shamans have been OP for a while. They arent even in the same Tier as they were before. If they were a 10 in p2-4. They are a 7 or best 8 now. Im talking about Ele, Ehn and not the tank spec which is weak versus casters. Too bad we’re in a melee meta. lol

what…? this is literally a ranged/healer meta that are also beefy. melee dont exist.

at least one person admitting it, but there’s a lot of shamans who couldnt admit it whilst roflstomping people everywhere.

ele is a solid 9 atm, the only thing is riptide and ES being nerfed but anything else is gg in PvP.

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Enough is enough, nerf pallies and buff warriors. Bring balance back to PvP.

To be fair it is true… passive brain dead purging… this is the only reason horde wins good at bgs… tbc and on you see alliance take over… so this is actually valid whether you like it or not.

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Now purge is the issue? omfg.

How 1 poison + 1 magic + 1 desease per gcd is just 1 removed buff hahahaha, paladins breaking maths. ill never get bored of this.

no 1 class consistently uses 2 out of 3 of these. poison/magic/disease. We will never put a player consistently behind 2 gcd’s by spamming 1 button. Shaman can literally lock classes out from playing their class by spamming 1 button to remove 2 gcds. Many classes only use magic abilities and buffs, the fact shaman can remove 2 of them in 1 gcd is crazy

This is new to SOD? /wink

How to say you never played Alliance without saying it. Purge Spam has always been a problem. zero skill involved just spam click one button. Pathetic how bad you have to be to decide to use your gcd on purge x 10. They dont even know if they are purging anything, just hoping

No it’s not new to sod but neither was bubble and all you shamans cried and successfully got our bubble nerfd. Now I imagine a few more classic wow abilities are on the choppin block

What is it just shamans complaining? =)

shamans can’t kill in 2 seconds, maybe 10 seconds

1v1 actually takes skill for shammies