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Yoo check us out!

looking for later in the night have times im looking for in the message. Thanks for the offer but thats too early for me

move on up

230 ilvl now and still looking

up and up!

If you’re still looking for a CE guild, come look at crisp. We are a 2-day a week raiding guild pushing for CE this tier.

can’t raid earlier than the times listen in the original message

Any CE late night guilds out there? still looking

If you’re still looking come take a look at Crisp. Lead by US100 guild leader and reformed horde for a CE push in 9.1. Not sure if we count as ‘late night’ but if the raid times work you should come take a look.

Check us out!

no one reads the time in the post I see lol… i need 8:30/9pm PST 11:30/12midnight EST start times!

Hey I think we might be a good fit! Our recruitment spam is below.

After (2/10M / 9/10H) is a late night guild composed of long time friends that have a solid raiding history. We raid very late nights, and have a lot of experience in running a late night guild.
We are currently 2/10M in Sanctum, and achieved 10/10M in Castle Nathria. Our leadership and many of our members have a long history of Cutting Edge raiding.
We are looking to build up a strong roster to continue to comfortably get CE in the rest of shadowlands.

We are currently looking for solid players with a mythic raiding background.
We are interested in finding mechanically strong players that fit our late night atmosphere, regardless of the class or spec.
If that sounds like you then don’t hesitate to apply or reach out to us.

Our standard raid schedule is:
Tuesday 11:30 PM - 2:30 AM PST
Wednesday 11:30 PM - 2:30 AM PST
Thursday 11:30 PM - 2:30 AM PST

If you are interested in trialing or if you have any questions contact our leadership:
GM: Lonesoldier#1409

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Sent you a friend request

hey! please reach out, we are interested in speaking with you.

SKjultx you didnt read the times also so i cant reach out to you because your times dont work lol

still looking

still looking for a home

still looking for a late night CE guild times are in the main message

still looking for later in the night Cutting edge guild that starts around 8:30/9 PST ///// 11:30/12 Midnight EST

Hello. I represent Carried on kiljaeden horde. We are a mythic raiding guild that is currently progressing Sanc heroic 3/10 our first week. We are very interested in your services. Fri and Sat at 9pm pacific until midnight. Gorlock#7739 on discord. Hope to hear from you.