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Bump for some DPS and tank

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Boop! I can come be a terrible DPS for you lol.

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Happy Monday!!

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436 Assassination Rogue looking for a Heroic raiding guild. Just came back after a break, looking to get into Heroic raiding

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Hit us up in game we can chat Calwell

Also still need a tank.

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:smile: :smiley: :smile:


Lets get some DPS up in here!

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Hey Doom,

Didn’t catch you online this weekend, you can find me at Gizmo#1569

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Boop!! Happy Tuesday!

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:smile: :smiley: :smiley:

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Still recruiting? Coming back to main this warrior after skipping the last raid tier due to irl stuff. If you guys do weekly (h) clears and regular m+, I’d be happy to talk and try to help out. Can’t post logs, but my former main was a rogue. Roberd, male belf on zul’ijin.

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Sorry for not getting back to you guys give us a few and someone will try to contact you or add puddin to your btag if you can.
Thanks :slight_smile:


:sunny: :smile: :sunny:

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:smile: Boop!

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Lets do this DPS

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Happy Tuesday!

Still looking for peeps who enjoy pushing high keys, and DPS who are mythic raid ready!

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Lets get some fresh DPS faces up in here.
5/12M now as well.

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Bump up for that deeps

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Happy Sunday!

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Bump for some range dps

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