just looking for another dps or two
Looking for a couple additions for this week’s raid!
Still looking for a few more dps!
Just need a few more solid people to round out our raid roster.
bump up for more
add my bnet, im interested. Dinkerton#11529
I sent you a btag request. Shoot me a message when you are available to chat (even if it looks like I’m afk or offline).
Always looking for consistent raiders!
Still looking for more.
New week new friends
Undergeared 383 Holy Priest, here. I’m 9/9H 3/9M on my mage but I’m looking to get back into healing. I have to change raid nights for some real life stuff and your nights work perfectly.
My name used to be Warangelic(cheesy I know) and here’s my one sad claim to fame from Mythic Emerald Nightmare:
h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Q7rY9WCMnTtqgdya#fight=10&type=healing
We got the kill on the last night of Cutting Edge. I don’t have any parses from current content, yet, so you’ll just have to trust me. I’ll be pumping my IO this week and trying to get a Heroic clear so reach out, I added Chuey
I hope you had a chance to chat with Chuey, but if not, you’re welcome to add my btag: CallaLily#1369
Heroic alt raid tonight, good time to trial!
Need more dps
Great people, great raiders. Good luck on progression!
Not sure if you are still actively recruiting dps for progression to CE, but I would be interested in speaking with someone or doing a trial run to see if I meet your qualifications. i have a Aotc BM Hunter (Main - 410ilvl) and Aotc Havoc DH (408ilvl), I recently transferred to Thrall due to inactivity in a once mythic raiding guild to a guild that is very low on numbers (bad job on me) and unable to field a Heroic raid team yet alone a mythic one. I have raided at the highest levels at times during my WoW adventure but since legion things have really slowed down. I would really like to get back into sometime a little more serious. Not quite the 4day 4hr raid team, but at least a team that is pushing content. I am currently 9/9H 2/2H I have not even made an attempt at a mythic boss in this tier. I also try and run mythic+'s when the time permits and current have a 1200ish on hunter and 800ish on DH. If interested please contact me in-game (Liithiüm -Alt 0252) or Gootsaymah. Bnet Vargmiguex#1208
Hey Liithiüm, thank you for the interest! I just sent you Btag request. Looking forward to chatting with you soon.
Still looking for more new raiders!