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We could probably fit you all in as we focus on heroic raiding and can flex to 30. We are all about our gaming community and are a multi game group. People are more important than gear or progression however we get AotC+ every raid tier. This tier has taken us longer than usual as we had to take a step back to normal for a few weeks to gear up new recruits and some alts. Our push for AotC is back on and expected soon. Personally I am more concerned with planning for the next raid tier when it comes to recruitment. If you like what you see in our info, drop me a line. I would prefer to talk with 1-3 of your representatives first, then the group as a whole if we think it may be a good fit.

Our guild has been around for a long time with roots going back to BC/LK raiding days. We are not a new start up and have plans for future xpacs and classic wow.

6/9H Age 25+ AotC meta achieve team. T/Th 11pm-2am EST.

We are multi gaming group. Destiny 2, ANTHEM, ESO, Division 2, and more.

Btag = Armageddon#1974
Discord = Skybolt#2791

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