Delete mythic +

thank you for finally understanding. this is what i mean. casuals thinking they are something they are not. it has caused this.

Me too i want to know

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There is a race in WOW and most other fantasy. Lol. :troll:


the funny thing is I never found M+ as a go go go mentality. You do consistent pulls but not as fast phase as alot think it is. And the lower level m+ dungeons are so easy you need to be a special case to even fail them :person_shrugging:

So then you agree that the content isn’t the issue, it is dumb people.

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Yeah i push keys 26+ and its never been go go go lol.

You eithet know your classes, play wrll, rotationally perform and not die, or you dont. Simple

Yeah, I definitely am, no doubt about it.

Glad you’re back in any case!

Yeah I’ve had hot takes too, i’m not too upset about it, water under the bridge, I can accept my losses.

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the content is a motivator for it. if there was no mythic plus, there would be no go go go mentality imo

had a friend who got suspended for saying “liberal”


which goes back to my former point of him generalizing an entire group of people, i.e stereotypes.

Full circle with this knucklehead.

Lol, that’s funny but wow. The mods, I don’t understand em.

Seeing as go go go has been around longer than mythic+, you’d be wrong.

You got slapped for that?

I mean I am not surprised. I got suspended once because people were talking about speedruns and someone asked what speed would it have to be to not be a speed run and a friend said “You take a smoke break after every pull.” and I said “Nah that is still too fast, I take naps between pulls. I need my stamina.” Got suspended.


well i didnt know it was earlier, i started right as legion was being hyped

if there is no m+ you wont have any players. So yea you’re right you wont have the go go go mentality because no one is playing it but you

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unfortunately we are at the point of no return. mythic plus wont get deleted. the toxicity will continue. but i will continue to believe mythic plus should be deleted and new players will benefit.

Some people will still be wrong.


exactly, like those wannabe MDI demon hunters pulling the room, wiping and leaving the group

Lol, I feel like the people who are forum mods, haven’t actually really experienced a forum… because that’s just banter what you said.

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Your mistake is associating trolling with M+ Lol.

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