Delete me please

So passionate, yet so wrong.


Well, for starts, I have no idea why you would want to start a topic and immediately mute it in fears of someone replying…

A good number of people have been invested in Warcraft’s story (Not just WoW, WC in general) for quite some time, and I think it’s important to share grievances with it, as long as it’s constructive!

I had a number of issues with BfA’s narrative, and certainly have a number of worries for SL’s narrative as well. Don’t think just because I’m not a professional writer that my care for the story should be entirely dismissed. :frowning:


Are you qualified to make this determination? I’m gonna need to see some ID.

I don’t need to be a nutritionist to know that eating McDonald’s everyday is unhealthy.


What have you written? Can I read it?


How could anyone criticize a work of writing? Such things aren’t possible.

Dunno why the OP got flagged. It’s true. Yeah, you can definitely voice your like/dislike for the storytelling, but I see the old “I could write better lore than this”. And on the one hand, WoW lore is very much bubblegum. On the other hand, chances are you’re not a professional fiction writer, so no, you could not.

Also, I see time and again Christie Golden get called out for ‘ruining XYZ’ - you think she has, up until at least last year, had any shot-calling capacity for lore?? All she did was novelize some bullet points!


Again, I don’t need to be a nutritionist to tell you that a diet consisting of nothing but fast food is going to be detrimental to your health. Nor do I need to be a chef to say I can cook a better meal than what’s in a Hungry Man TV dinner.


Ah but I am.

Now are you qualified to give a PSA?

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I’d dispute this, but I recognize that your post is writing and therefore I cannot criticize it.


That’s the power of marketing. Anything can be a top seller if you invest in pushing it hard enough and/or grease some wheels.


OP got flagged because making a thread saying, “Y’all are stupid, that is all, I’m not going to stick around to discuss anything” is effectively spam.

It is General Discussion, if you make a thread with no intent of discussing anything beyond the first post, it is the forum equivalent of walking into a room, yelling something and then immediately walking out.


Have we already forgotten Google Stadia?

Fair enough, good call outs. I definitely zoned out the disparaging bits from the OP it seems. I do agree with the OP in the sense that some of the hate the writing team gets is ill informed at times (IMO).

How in the hell did this post even get 4 likes? Gross. It is absolute a “plea to stop” with a very thin veil. Fortunately you can’t actually stop any of us critiquing the story just like film critics and book critics do that with their respective materials.

Look at the credentials of some professional critics; they aren’t authors and filmmakers; they’re just thorough in their analysis and use other examples of well-received material to base their judgement.

When a character like Sylvanas, who had an interesting arc in WC3 is turned basically into a scooby-do villain (much like what happened to Baelish in Game of Thrones TV series) people are going to react badly. They’re absolutely allowed to critique it and it’s always better if they include reasons, which plenty of us here have.

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I’ve seen more folks just stating their displeasure of things. They’re consumers and are allowed to have opinions.


If you can’t handle the response then you have no business making a thread criticizing other people for their opinions. Poor attempt at a high horse argument.


First off the writing team and Golden are just bad. the convoluted story lines make no sense and seem to be bare minimums so they can pump out the books for profit.

Classic had way better story lines and quest and made you go out and explore the world now you just putter around in one zone before skipping off to the next.

Thats just being lazy and not caring and before people go but she a best seller.

SO what many are best sellers and she is not that welcomed in the star wars universe either. she fawns over the boy king I have yet to hear her say anything positive about the horde the only statement she did make was removing the identity of it and making it more kinder.

And yes I am not impressed with all the retcon that has happened to the Horde either.

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The big problem here is that WoW is 15 years old, going on 16. Warcraft lore as a whole is nearly 26 years old. Most fans have been involved in this franchise longer than some developers have even been alive. So if we see :cow: :poop:, it’s on us to call it out for them. We are all Red Shirt Guy these days.


ooo I really like your emoji combination. Never even thought of that!